RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour coveralls Latest version of the following gems require coveralls

color-generator 0.0.4

Randomly generate distinct colors with consistent lightness and saturation

610 818 Téléchargements

filestack-rails 5.5.4

Allows easy integraiton of Filestack's File Picker through dynamic button tags and form...

608 515 Téléchargements

dpl-pypi 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

586 180 Téléchargements

sass-json-vars 0.3.3

A Ruby Sass custom importer that allows the use of JSON to declare variables with @impo...

573 048 Téléchargements

solr_wrapper 4.0.2

Solr service wrapper

557 939 Téléchargements

dpl-npm 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

546 340 Téléchargements

dpl-gcs 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

540 580 Téléchargements

right_api_client 1.6.4

The right_api_client gem simplifies the use of RightScale's MultiCloud API. It provides...

540 094 Téléchargements

oauth2-client 2.0.0

Create quick and dirty OAuth2 clients

539 326 Téléchargements

neography 1.8.0

A Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API see

536 822 Téléchargements

chef-encrypted-attributes 0.9.0

Chef plugin to add Node encrypted attributes support using client keys

531 174 Téléchargements

job_notifier 3.0.0

Rails engine built on top on Active Job gem to persist job results and notify job statu...

515 496 Téléchargements

bh 1.3.6

Bh - Bootstrap Helpers

514 047 Téléchargements

placeholder-gem 3.0.2

Include Placeholder.js in your Rails projects

509 107 Téléchargements

minitest-bang 1.0.4

Lets you use let! to immediately execute lets in minitest spec.

508 682 Téléchargements

puppet-lint-alias-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check for the alias parameter in resources.

499 181 Téléchargements

hometown 0.2.5

Track object creation to stamp out pesky leaks.

484 354 Téléchargements

time_for_a_boolean 0.2.2

Use timestamp values to represent boolean data such as deleted, published, or subsc...

483 205 Téléchargements

cukeforker 2.1.1

Library to maintain a forking queue of Cucumber processes, with optional VNC displays.

480 674 Téléchargements

pocketsphinx-ruby 0.4.0

Provides Ruby FFI bindings for Pocketsphinx, a lightweight speech recognition engine.

474 377 Téléchargements

konstructor 1.0.2

Konstructor is a small gem that gives you multiple constructors in Ruby. It's simil...

469 887 Téléchargements

dato 0.8.2

Ruby client for DatoCMS API

469 182 Téléchargements

sidekiq-benchmark 0.7.3

Benchmarks for Sidekiq

464 344 Téléchargements

dor-services 9.6.2

Contains classes to register objects and initialize workflows

464 119 Téléchargements

sportradar-api 0.20.2

Ruby wrapper for interacting with the SportRadar API. SportRadar has over 23 published ...

458 445 Téléchargements

capistrano_multiconfig_parallel 2.8.1

CapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...

456 893 Téléchargements

lita-karma 3.0.2

A Lita handler for tracking karma points for arbitrary terms.

448 766 Téléchargements

om 3.2.0

OM (Opinionated Metadata): A library to help you tame sprawling XML schemas like MODS. ...

442 946 Téléchargements

correios-cep 0.8.0

Correios CEP gem finds updated Brazilian addresses by zipcode, directly from Correios d...

441 656 Téléchargements

ably-rest 1.2.5

A Ruby REST only client library for realtime messaging

437 623 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 13 591 385

Pour cette version 3 176 137



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.8.7
