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blather 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 blather

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

366,972 下載

punchblock 2.7.5

Like Rack is to Rails and Sinatra, Punchblock provides a consistent API on top of sever...

288,577 下載

saber 1.2.4

A complete solution for PT users.

46,288 下載

dog-bot 0.1.6


33,561 下載

adhearsion-xmpp 1.1.0

This gem provides the XMPP plugin to Adhearsion, allowing your Adhearsion application t...

32,488 下載

safubot 0.0.9

A friendly event-driven chatbot framework. Supports Twitter and XMPP.

29,061 下載

superfeedr-blather 0.2.2

You get some patches for Blather and some classes that wrap the stuff you want from Sup...

17,708 下載

vines-agent 0.1.4

Execute shell commands, authorizing them against a vines-services access control list.

17,430 下載

vines-services 0.1.4

Vines Services are dynamically updated groups of systems based on criteria like hostnam...

17,251 下載

jah 0.0.6

Talk to your machines. Like a God.

12,981 下載

superfeedr-rb 0.2.0

A ruby library based on Blather for Superfeedr

11,479 下載

pictor 1.0.0

An XMPP Group Chat image search bot in the spirit of Github's Hubot.

11,301 下載


XmppGateway is a server that allows XMPP stanzas to be posted via HTTP POST requests, i...

10,986 下載

compp 1.0.0

A Gem to make Comet-like HTTP connections from XMPP streams

5,434 下載

collecta-rb 0.1.0

A ruby library based on Blather for working with the Collecta XMPP api.

5,432 下載

drivel 0.0.1

An alternative DSL utilizing the excellent XMPP library, Blather, for creating interact...

4,304 下載

總下載次數 452,199

這個版本 34,732




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
