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batsir 0.3.7

Batsir uses so called stages to define operation queues. These operation queues consist of several operations that will be executed one after the other. Each stage is defined by its name and the queue on which it will listen. Once a message is received on the queue, it is dispatched to a worker in a seperate thread that will pass the message to each operation in the operation queue. Operation queues can have 4 different operations, 1 common operation type, and 3 special purpose operations: retrieval operations (which are always executed before all other operations), persistence operations (which are always executed after the common operations, but before the notification operations) and notification operations (which will always be executed last) This makes it possible to create chains of stages to perform tasks that depend on each other, but otherwise have a low coupling




  1. 0.4.1 October 23, 2014 (15 KB)
  2. 0.4.0 October 08, 2014 (15 KB)
  3. October 24, 2013 (70 KB)
  4. 0.3.7 October 24, 2013 (70 KB)
  5. 0.1.0 June 28, 2012 (60 KB)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (9):

blockenspiel >= 0.4.3
bundler > 1.0.0
bunny >= 0
celluloid ~> 0.14.1
jeweler >= 0
json >= 0
log4r >= 0
rdoc >= 0
sidekiq >= 2.5.4



  • J.W. Koelewijn, Bram de Vries

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 18.156

Voor deze versie 3.477

Versie vrijgegeven:



Required Ruby Version: Geen
