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aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2

aws-sdk-resources 3.225.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

342,919,338 下載

train-aws 0.2.41

Allows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...

2,600,354 下載

aws_ro 1.4.0

Wrpper library of AWS SDK objects to enable to access properties more easily, more rub...

911,635 下載

awful 0.0.185

AWS cmdline and yaml loader.

463,022 下載

ufo 6.3.13

AWS ECS Deploy Tool

347,241 下載

hako 2.17.0

Deploy Docker container

311,769 下載

terraforming 0.18.0

Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate)

172,692 下載

terrafying 1.8.5


103,613 下載

ruby_aem_aws 3.0.0

ruby_aem_aws is a Ruby client for Shine Solutions Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Platfo...

97,954 下載

shards 3.6

The gem read a conf.yml file in a puppet project to know the multitenant sites and shar...

77,066 下載

cfn_manage 0.8.3

Start and stop aws resources in a cloudformation stack

74,680 下載

stax 0.1.16

Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.

73,552 下載

awsutils 2.2.2

A set of tools for interacting with AWS

39,131 下載

cfn_monitor 0.4.5

CloudWatch monitoring tool can query a cloudformation stack and return ...

23,968 下載

aws_public_ips 1.0.7

A library/cli to fetch all public IP addresses associated with an AWS account

22,842 下載

infopark-aws_utils 1.0.1

A utility lib to ease the use of the AWS SDK

22,680 下載

vaws 0.8.3

The vaws command simplifies the display of AWS resources.

19,206 下載

applb 0.1.4

Manage ALB by DSL

13,460 下載

traceroute53 0.1.6

A tool to investigate Route53, ELB, EC2 and Security Groups

11,900 下載

asg-rebooter 0.0.3

See summary.

6,060 下載

balancer 0.2.0

Balancer tool

4,509 下載

總下載次數 88,873,996

這個版本 31,027




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
