RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour awesome_print Latest version of the following gems require awesome_print

case_transform 0.2

Extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers

71 587 629 Téléchargements

ecma-re-validator 0.4.0

Validate a regular expression string against what ECMA-262 can actually do.

40 932 220 Téléchargements

slim-rails 3.7.0

Provides the generator settings required for Rails to use Slim

36 056 152 Téléchargements

pact-support 1.21.2

Shared code for Pact gems

29 161 424 Téléchargements

jsonb_accessor 1.4

Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.

18 019 964 Téléchargements

jsonb_accessor 1.4

Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.

18 019 964 Téléchargements

smarter_csv 1.13.1

Ruby Gem for convenient reading and writing of CSV files. It has intelligent defaults, ...

17 065 132 Téléchargements

rails_best_practices 1.23.2

a code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby.

16 786 001 Téléchargements

scrypt 3.0.8

The scrypt key derivation function is designed to be far more secure against hardwa...

14 577 764 Téléchargements

counter_culture 3.8.2

counter_culture provides turbo-charged counter caches that are kept up-to-date not just...

14 088 099 Téléchargements

omniauth-cas3 1.1.4

CAS 3.0 Strategy for OmniAuth

13 717 770 Téléchargements

elasticsearch-extensions 0.0.33

Extensions for the Elasticsearch Rubygem

10 731 028 Téléchargements

simple-random 1.0.3

Simple Random Number Generator including Beta, Cauchy, Chi square, Exponential, Gamma, ...

8 588 901 Téléchargements

hubspot-ruby 0.9.0

hubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

8 148 507 Téléchargements

sorbet-rails 0.7.34

Set of tools to make Sorbet work with Rails seamlessly.

7 383 766 Téléchargements

rspec-snapshot 2.0.3

Adding snapshot testing to RSpec

5 326 069 Téléchargements

pedump 0.6.10

dump headers, sections, extract resources of win32 PE exe,dll,etc

5 315 312 Téléchargements

parse_packwerk 0.26.0

A low-dependency gem for parsing and writing packwerk YML files

4 081 857 Téléchargements

facebookbusiness 22.0.0

The official Facebook Business API SDK for Ruby.

3 942 363 Téléchargements

metainspector 5.15.0

MetaInspector lets you scrape a web page and get its links, images, texts, meta tags...

3 106 787 Téléchargements

boxr 1.22.0

A Ruby client library for the Box V2 Content API.

2 978 172 Téléchargements

icalendar-recurrence 1.2.0

Provides recurrence to icalendar gem.

2 968 034 Téléchargements

sql_enum 1.0.0

Enable using native sql enums

2 789 036 Téléchargements

caboose-cms 1.0.2

CMS built on rails with love.

2 768 003 Téléchargements

state_machines-rspec 0.6.0

RSpec matchers for state_machines. Forked from modocache/state_machine_rspec to work wi...

2 551 263 Téléchargements

calabash-cucumber 0.23.7

calabash-cucumber drives tests for native iOS apps. You must link your app with calabas...

2 384 098 Téléchargements

daru 0.3

Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...

2 342 583 Téléchargements

switch_user 1.5.4

Easily switch current user to speed up development

2 277 108 Téléchargements

elastic-app-search 7.10.0

API client for accessing the Elastic App Search API with no dependencies.

1 939 335 Téléchargements

puppet-debugger 1.4.0

A interactive command line tool for evaluating and debugging the puppet language

1 879 141 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 246 444 777

Pour cette version 83 940 879

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
