RubyGems Navigation menu

aruba 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 aruba

rspec-expectations 3.13.3

rspec-expectations provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a co...

979,354,163 下載

rspec-mocks 3.13.2

RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking

972,182,768 下載

rspec-rails 7.1.1

rspec-rails integrates the Rails testing helpers into RSpec.

313,245,305 下載

factory_bot 6.5.1

factory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-...

260,538,232 下載

capybara-screenshot 1.0.26

When a Cucumber step fails, it is useful to create a screenshot image and HTML file of ...

90,428,226 下載

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

77,384,297 下載

factory_girl 4.9.0

factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using ...

67,391,709 下載

cucumber-wire 7.0.0

Wire protocol for Cucumber

49,995,821 下載

cucumber-rails 3.1.1

Cucumber Generator and Runtime for Rails

28,723,268 下載

bourbon 7.3.0

Bourbon is a library of pure Sass mixins and functions that are designed to make yo...

25,546,058 下載

busser 0.8.0

Busser - Runs tests for projects in Test Kitchen

21,692,498 下載

http_accept_language 2.1.1

Find out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in thei...

20,539,963 下載

kt-paperclip 7.2.2

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

14,290,807 下載

busser-serverspec 0.6.3

A Busser runner plugin for Serverspec

12,815,485 下載

rubycritic 4.9.1

RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...

12,583,112 下載

rspec_api_documentation 6.1.0

Generate API docs from your test suite

8,934,182 下載

shoulda-callback-matchers 1.1.4

Making callback tests easy on the fingers and eyes

8,015,476 下載

cnvrg 2.1.15

A CLI tool for interacting with

7,679,368 下載

neat 4.0.0

A lightweight Sass grid framework

6,548,255 下載

librarian-puppet 5.1.0

Simplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...

5,804,646 下載

action-cable-testing 0.6.1

Testing utils for Action Cable

5,326,199 下載

resque-pool 0.7.1

quickly and easily fork a pool of resque workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitor...

5,093,506 下載

yard-doctest 0.1.17

Execute YARD examples as tests

4,345,122 下載

busser-rspec 0.7.6

A Busser runner plugin for RSpec

3,609,699 下載

puppet-blacksmith 8.1.0

Puppet module tools for development and Puppet Forge management

3,389,061 下載

recog 3.1.14

Recog is a framework for identifying products, services, operating systems, and hardwar...

3,294,951 下載

busser-rspec_datadog 0.8.7

A Busser runner plugin for RSpec

3,048,517 下載

middleman-syntax 3.4.0

Code syntax highlighting plugin via rouge for Middleman

2,634,121 下載

yarjuf 2.0.0

Yet Another RSpec JUnit Formatter (for Hudson/Jenkins)

2,607,949 下載

embedly 1.9.1

Ruby Embedly client library

2,431,503 下載

總下載次數 4,626,677

這個版本 31,955




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0
