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agile-proxy 0.1.26

An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an integration test suite with clients for many languages




  1. 0.1.26 April 22, 2015 (53.5 KB)
  2. 0.1.25 March 19, 2015 (53.5 KB)
  3. 0.1.24 March 11, 2015 (8.6 MB)
  4. 0.1.23 March 03, 2015 (8.6 MB)
  5. 0.1.22 March 02, 2015 (8.6 MB)
顯示所有版本(共 21)

Runtime 相依性套件 (13):

activerecord >= 4.2.0, ~> 4.2
em-http-request >= 1.1.2, ~> 1.1
em-synchrony >= 1.0.3, ~> 1.0
eventmachine >= 1.0.3, ~> 1.0
flavour_saver >= 0.3.4, ~> 0.3
goliath >= 1.0.4, ~> 1.0
goliath-proxy >= 0.0.1, ~> 0.0
grape >= 0.10.1, ~> 0.10
grape-kaminari >= 0.1.7, ~> 0.1
rack-cache >= 1.2, ~> 1.2
shoulda-matchers = 2.8.0.rc2
sqlite3 >= 1.3.10, ~> 1.3
thor >= 0.19.1, ~> 0.19

Development 相依性套件 (15):

cucumber >= 1.3.17, ~> 1.3
faker >= 1.2.0, ~> 1.2
faraday >= 0.9.0, ~> 0.9
guard >= 2.6.1, ~> 2.6
poltergeist >= 1.5.1, ~> 1.5
rake ~> 0
rb-inotify >= 0.9.5, ~> 0.9
require_all >= 1.3.2, ~> 1.3
rest-client >= 1.7.2, ~> 1.7
rspec >= 3.1.0, ~> 3.1
rspec-mocks >= 3.1.3, ~> 3.1
selenium-webdriver >= 2.43.0, ~> 2.43
simplecov >= 0.9.1, ~> 0.9
travis >= 1.7.5, ~> 1.7
yard >= 0.8, ~> 0.8



  • Gary Taylor

SHA 256 總和檢查碼:


總下載次數 70,241

這個版本 4,092



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
