activerecord_random 1.0.1
ActiveRecord Random is a Ruby Gem that empowers your ActiveRecord Models with the abili...
25,066 下載
activerecord-raw-data 0.3.0
Get raw data from ActiveRecord
37,719 下載
activerecord-rdb-adapter 0.9.5
ActiveRecord RedDatabase 3+ and Firebird 3+ Adapter for Rails 5+
43,045 下載
activerecord-reactor 1.8.0
ActiveRecord Reactors provide a defined way to react on default or custom Active Record...
30,472 下載
activerecord_readonly 0.1.0
Control readonly for activerecord.
1,920 下載
activerecord-readonly_model 0.0.2
Makes an ActiveRecord model read-only
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activerecord-real_enums 0.0.1
Add support for Postgresql Enum type in ActiveRecord
4,391 下載
activerecord_reconnect_after_checkout 0.1.0
reconnect after checkout in order to DB failover
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activerecord-records_on_load 0.1.6
Add hook on activerecord records loaded
13,411 下載
activerecord-recursive_tree_scopes 0.2.0
Using an ActiveRecord scope, recursively query trees.
9,879 下載
activerecord-redshift 6.0.0
Amazon Redshift Meta Adapter for Rails ActiveRecord
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activerecord-redshift-adapter 0.9.12
This gem provides the Rails 3 with database adapter for AWS RedShift.
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activerecord-redshift-adapter-ng 0.9.1
Amazon Redshift _makeshift_ adapter for ActiveRecord.
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activerecord-redshift-bulk-adapter 0.0.4
This gem provides the Rails 3 with database adapter for AWS RedShift.
14,767 下載
activerecord-redshiftbulk-adapter 0.0.3
This gem provides the Rails 3 with database adapter for AWS RedShift.
11,395 下載
activerecord-redundancy 0.4.1
Quickly make a cache column in ActiveRecord, non painful
29,664 下載
activerecord-referential_integrity 2.1.0
Adds as reversible add_referential_integrity migration to Rails. Currently supports onl...
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activerecord-refinements 0.2.0
Adding clean and powerful query syntax on AR using refinements
33,452 下載
activerecord-refresh_connection 0.0.5
Refresh ActiveRecord connection on each rack request.
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activerecord_reindex 0.2.2
Add Elasticsearch reindex option to ActiveRecord associations
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activerecord-relation-exec2hash 0.0.2
you can `AwesomeModel.all.exec2hash => [{id: 1, key: value}, ...]`
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activerecord-relations_annotations 0.0.1
Annotate ActiveRecord relations objects with custom data, allowing metadata on relation...
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active_record-remote 0.0.3
Active Record pattern for remote APIs
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active_record_replica 3.0.0
Redirect ActiveRecord (Rails) reads to replica databases while ensuring all writes go t...
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activerecord-reputation-system 3.0.1
ActiveRecord Reputation System gem allows rails apps to compute and publish reputation ...
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activerecord-rescue_from_duplicate 0.2.6
Rescue from MySQL and Sqlite duplicate errors
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activerecord_reset_pk_sequence 0.3.0
Id of an AR table cleaner. Works for Postgres, MySQL and Sqlite.
4,823 下載
activerecord-reset-pk-sequence 0.2.1
Id of an AR table cleaner. Works for Postgres and Sqlite.
123,959 下載
active_record-resource 0.0.2
ActiveRecord::Resource implements a method for treating Models as Resources by creating...
6,811 下載
activerecord-retriable 1.0.0
Retry your Active Record transactions.
7,421 下載