RubyGems Navigation menu


aws-sdk-codegurureviewer 1.46.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer (CodeGuruReviewer). This gem is part...

35,400,159 下載

aws-sdk-codegurusecurity 1.11.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Security. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...

2,309,742 下載

aws-sdk-codepipeline 1.71.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodePipeline (CodePipeline). This gem is part of the AWS ...

71,615,863 下載

aws-sdk-codestar 1.51.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar (CodeStar). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...

67,440,802 下載

aws-sdk-codestarconnections 1.42.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar connections. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...

34,068,909 下載

aws-sdk-codestarnotifications 1.33.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeStar Notifications. This gem is part of the AWS SDK f...

36,458,960 下載

aws-sdk-cognitoidentity 1.53.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Identity. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...

70,099,911 下載

aws-sdk-cognitoidentityprovider 1.90.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider. This gem is part of the AWS...

75,987,312 下載

aws-sdk-cognitosync 1.49.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Cognito Sync. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

67,561,829 下載

aws-sdk-comprehend 1.81.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Comprehend. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

68,749,097 下載

aws-sdk-comprehendmedical 1.51.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Comprehend Medical (ComprehendMedical). This gem is part ...

52,071,105 下載

aws-sdk-computeoptimizer 1.55.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Compute Optimizer. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

35,500,667 下載

aws-sdk-configservice 1.107.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Config (Config Service). This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...

77,817,677 下載

aws-sdk-connect 1.155.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Service (Amazon Connect). This gem is part of ...

66,829,872 下載

aws-sdk-connectcampaignservice 1.16.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonConnectCampaignService. This gem is part of the AWS SDK...

9,902,852 下載

aws-sdk-connectcases 1.22.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Cases (ConnectCases). This gem is part of the ...

7,430,658 下載

aws-sdk-connectcontactlens 1.24.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Contact Lens. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...

23,147,738 下載

aws-sdk-connectparticipant 1.42.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Participant Service (Amazon Connect Participan...

35,018,942 下載

aws-sdk-connectwisdomservice 1.28.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Wisdom Service. This gem is part of the AWS SD...

16,415,988 下載

aws-sdk-controlcatalog 1.1.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Control Catalog. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

72,751 下載

aws-sdk-controltower 1.19.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Control Tower. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

7,986,722 下載

awssdkcore 0.0.1

You probably meant `gem install aws-sdk-core`.

2,275 下載

aws-sdk-core 3.193.0

Provides API clients for AWS. This gem is part of the official AWS SDK for Ruby.

1,216,362,647 下載

aws-sdk-costandusagereportservice 1.55.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cost and Usage Report Service. This gem is part of the AW...

70,250,933 下載

aws-sdk-costexplorer 1.99.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cost Explorer Service (AWS Cost Explorer). This gem is pa...

68,942,916 下載

aws-sdk-costoptimizationhub 1.4.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Cost Optimization Hub. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

657,540 下載

aws-sdk-customerprofiles 1.42.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Connect Customer Profiles (Customer Profiles). This ge...

24,459,712 下載

aws-sdk-databasemigrationservice 1.93.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Database Migration Service. This gem is part of the AWS S...

73,158,297 下載

aws-sdk-dataexchange 1.47.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Exchange. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

35,718,799 下載

aws-sdk-datapipeline 1.49.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Data Pipeline. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

67,562,051 下載