RubyGems Navigation menu


activeadmin_draggable 0.1.0

Active admin sortable add on

47,389 下載

activeadmin-dragonfly 0.1.1

For convenient use of dragonfly attachments within ActiveAdmin, this gem adds a new inp...

4,930 下載

activeadmin-dropzone 0.2.6

Easy to use integration of drag&drop files upload via dropzone.js for ActiveAdmin

37,944 下載

activeadmin-dry-validation 0.1.0

Validate your ActiveAdmin resources through dry-validation

8,291 下載

active_admin-duplicatable 0.4.0

Allow user duplication of ActiveAdmin resources using the power of the Amoeba gem. Reso...

29,676 下載

activeadmin_dynamic_fields 0.8.0

An Active Admin plugin to add dynamic behaviors to fields

239,287 下載

activeadmin_dynamic_table 0.2.0

Allow to controll activeadmin table columns from the UI. (Show/hide/resize/reorder tabl...

901 下載

active_admin_editor 1.1.0

Rich text editor for Active Admin using wysihtml5.

224,400 下載

active_admin-elastic_stats 0.0.4

Active Admin component to display elastic statistics.

7,319 下載

active_admin_environment 1.0.0

Change ActiveAdmin page style by environment

56,046 下載

active_admin_environment_tag 0.0.4

An ActiveAdmin plugin that provides tags on the admin panel to indicate which environme...

11,580 下載

active_admin_excel_upload 0.1.1

active_admin_excel_upload gem brings convention over configuration for your excel uploa...

5,028 下載

activeadmin_expandable_inputs 0.0.4

This gem uses JQuery to create expandable input boxes on activeadmin

18,129 下載

active_admin-exportable 0.3.0

Allow user to export/import of ActiveRecord records and associated records in ActiveAdmin.

5,362 下載

activeadmin-exporter 0.0.3

ActiveAdmin plugin for expanding export possibilities.

4,734 下載

active_admin-extensions 0.0.4

Collection of extensions for ActiveAdmin

11,950 下載

active_admin_face 0.1.0

Smooth the Active Admin interface

6,749 下載

activeadmin_file_input_on_steroids 0.0.9

Adds 2 functionalities to the file input. Image preview and a size hint, that indicates...

33,347 下載

active_admin_filters_visibility 1.2.0

extension for activeadmin gem to hide any filters from sidebar-filters panel

22,850 下載

active_admin_flat_skin 0.1.2

Flat design skin for active admin.

87,379 下載

active_admin-form_errors 0.1.1

Pretty form errors by default in your ActiveAdmin.

13,019 下載

activeadmin_froala_editor 1.1.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Froala WYSIWYG editor

111,024 下載

activeadmin-generator 0.0.14

Generate ActiveAdmin projects

115,312 下載

activeadmin-globalize 0.6.3

Handles globalize translations in ActiveAdmin 0.6.3 and Rails 3.2.x

16,673 下載

activeadmin-globalize-2 2.0.0

Handles globalize translations in ActiveAdmin >=1.3 and Rails >=5.2

1,896 下載

activeadmin-globalize3 0.0.2

Handles globalize3 translations

36,466 下載

activeadmin-globalize3-dougui 0.0.2

Handles globalize3 translations

9,118 下載

ActiveAdmin-Globalize3-inputs 0.0.1

Implementation of globalize_fields - has_many friendly Globalize3 helper for ActiveAdmin.

13,355 下載

active_admin_globalize3_locale_selector 0.0.1

Active Admin Globalize3 Locale Selector

5,367 下載

activeadmin-globalize3-unofficial 0.0.2

Handles globalize3 translations

9,445 下載