RubyGems Navigation menu


arthurgeek-twitter 0.6.15

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

4,110 下載

arti 0.1.0

A Ruby interface for interacting with JFrog's Artifactory artifact repository.

4,704 下載

artic 1.0.5

A Ruby gem for time computations.

14,481 下載

artichoke 0.0.94

A library for gmail integration within testing suites, best used in conjuction with int...

38,846 下載

article 0.0.1

Article is an NNTP client that can be used to fetch articles from a Usenet server.

360 下載

articlecli 0.1.0

Simple CLI that scrapes news information from a website

2,502 下載

article_crux 0.1.0

The gem scrapes HTML of a URL to return the title and cover image which most likey repr...

2,834 下載

article_fixture_gen 0.1.2

Generate blog post/article fixture data, with embedded marker tag pairs.

5,282 下載

article_json 0.4.0

`article_json` is a format definition for news articles and a ruby gem that offers ...

43,565 下載

article_readingtime 1.0.0

Estimate how many seconds it'll take to read an article

9,078 下載

article-spinner 0.0.7

Helps Spin Article for content generation

5,623 下載

articulate_rails 0.0.13

A full Rails engine gem for the Articulate theme by Jerzy J. Gangi.

6,121 下載

articulate_ui 0.0.14

A full Rails gem for the Articulate UI, made in Backbone

34,610 下載


A ruby client to integrate visual recommendation feature from Artifacia API

12,771 下載

artifact 0.3.6

Frontend UI for git blogging.

68,032 下載

artifact_logger 1.2.1

A very simple dropin engine for logging information on artifacts in a database.

37,174 下載

artifactory 3.0.17

A Ruby client for Artifactory

70,856,817 下載

artifactory_api 0.1.5

A client to the artifactory rest api

6,644 下載

artifactory-cleaner 1.0.5

`artifactory-cleaner` is a Ruby Gem and CLI interface for performing maintenance tasks ...

9,498 下載

artifactory-gem_import 1.1.0

Artifactory Gem Import for importing gems from existing Gem Repo into a new Artifactory...

4,873 下載

artifactory-permissions 0.1.0

Ruby Lib for managing Artifactory PermissionTargets

2,252 下載

artifactory-ruby 0.0.7

Ruby client library for Artifactory REST API

15,455 下載

artifacts 2.1.2

A console based ticket (bug/feature) tracker who's data travels inside your repository

33,285 下載

artifact_tools 0.0.6

Provides tools to manage repository artifacts.

2,970 下載

artifice 0.6

Replaces Net::HTTP with a subclass that routes all requests to a Rack application

1,387,626 下載

artifice-excon 0.1.4

A version of Wycat's Artifice for use with Excon.

35,910 下載

artifice-passthru 0.1.1

Artifice extension that allows you to let certain requests pass thru to use HTTP

17,436 下載

artificer 0.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,428 下載

artii 2.1.2

A Figlet-based ASCII art generator, useful for comand-line based ASCII Art Generation.

979,158 下載

artikcloud 2.2.3

A ruby wrapper for the ArtikCloud REST APIs

18,208 下載