active_record-pool 2.0.0
active_record-pool is an extension to active_record that gives you an interface to writ...
8,488 下载
activerecord-poro 0.0.1
Associations for plain old ruby objects
4,740 下载
activerecord-positionable 1.0.0
ActiveRecord positionable extension
3,737 下载
activerecord-postgis-adapter 11.0.0
ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. It is based on the stock PostgreSQL adapte...
17,826,886 下载
activerecord-postgis-array 0.3.4
Adds missing native PostgreSQL array types to ActiveRecord
5,173 下载
activerecord-postgres-array 0.0.10
Adds support for postgres arrays to ActiveRecord
243,310 下载
activerecord-postgres-composite-types 0.2.8
This gem adds support to the ActiveRecord (3.x and 4.x) for composite types.
28,256 下载
active_record-postgres-constraints 0.2.2
197,080 下载
activerecord-postgres-copy 0.3.6
This version is obsolete, please use the postgres-copy gem
18,832 下载
activerecord-postgres-dump-schemas 0.1.0
Define which PostgreSQL schemas to dump in your Rails db/structure.sql file
49,924 下载
activerecord-postgres-earthdistance 0.7.2
This gem enables your model to query the database using the earthdistance ...
328,863 下载
activerecord-postgres_enum 2.1.0
Integrate PostgreSQL's enum data type into ActiveRecord's schema and migrations.
3,673,726 下载
activerecord-postgres-hstore 0.7.8
This gem adds support for the postgres hstore type. It is the _just right_ alternative ...
1,072,407 下载
activerecord-postgres-hstore-core 0.0.6
Allows you to use active record with databases that already have an hstore type
34,040 下载
activerecord-postgres-json 0.2.3
Active Record support for PostgreSQL JSON type
492,378 下载
activerecord-postgres-json-rails4 0.3.0
ActiveRecord support for PostgreSQL JSON type supporting Rails 4.0-4.1
2,742 下载
activerecord-postgres-postgis 0.1.0
Write a longer description. Optional.
4,550 下载
activerecord-postgres_pub_sub 3.2.0
Support for Postgres Notify/Listen
266,356 下载
activerecord-postgresql-adapter 0.0.1
This gem forwards to activerecord's default postgresql adapter
672,510 下载
active_record-postgresql_analyzer 0.2.1
Analyze the execution plan and write log if sequential scan is detected
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activerecord-postgresql-auto-reconnect 0.1.0
Auto recover when database restart within remitano system
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activerecord-postgresql-citext 0.2.0
citext support for rails
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activerecord-postgresql-cube 0.0.4
ActiveRecord support for the PostgreSQL cube data type.
15,329 下载
activerecord-postgresql-cursors 3.0.0
Provides some support for PostgreSQL cursors in ActiveRecord.
55,429 下载
activerecord-postgresql-expression 0.0.2
Adds expression to migrations for ActiveRecord PostgreSQL adapters
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activerecord-postgresql-extensions 0.10.1
A whole bunch of extensions the ActiveRecord PostgreSQL adapter.
118,215 下载
activerecord_postgresql_procedures 0.0.4
PostgreSQL allows to create a procedure which returns a result set. The gem modifies Ac...
10,100 下载
active_record_postgresql_retry 0.0.1
This gem provides a patch that once included will retry the PostgreSQL operation in cas...
3,163 下载
activerecord_postgresql_retry 0.0.4
This gem provides a patch that once included will retry the PostgreSQL operation in cas...
14,786 下载
active_record_postgresql_xverify 0.2.0
It is a library that performs extended verification when an error occurs when executing...
20,506 下载