RubyGems Navigation menu


a_b 0.1.1

A/B test data aggregator as a Sinatra web service

24,697 下载

aba 1.0.2

ABA (Australian Bankers Association) File Generator

143,243 下载

abaci 0.3.0

Collect stats on events, activities and behaviors across time in Ruby with a Redis back...

25,046 下载

abaco 1.0.1

Abaco is a gem for converting numbers into Italian words.

30,709 下载

abacos 0.1.0

Ruby API to Abacos

12,488 下载

abacus 0.0.1

Abacus is an xdxf parser and semantic toolset for Ruby.

11,579 下载

abacus_count 0.0.1

ActiveRecord::Base#count and other calculations as subqueries. Instead of nice Rails gr...

53,472 下载

abaddon 0.0.3

A gem that helps creating project templates.

33,188 下载

ab_admin 0.11.0

Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface

164,292 下载

aba_generator 1.0.0

Used for generating ABA (Australian Banking Association) files.

11,022 下载

abaj_palindrome 0.2.0

Learn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector

4,328 下载

abak-flow 1.1.1

Простой набор правил и комманд, заточеных для работы в git-flow с использование в качес...

184,071 下载

abak-selenium-integration 1.0.6

Integration gem for test automatisation based on page-object

6,921 下载

abalone 0.4.2

Simply exposes a login shell to a web browser. This is currently nowhere near to pr...

43,437 下载

abanalyzer 1.0.0

A/B test analysis library for Ruby

304,452 下载

abank 0.4.3

Arquiva movimentos conta-corrente, conta-cartao do activobank no bigquery. Permite apag...

56,506 下载

aba_numbers 0.0.1

Get a list of Federal Reserve E-Payments Routing Directory

19,342 下载

abba 0.1.0

Bayesian A/B Testing

3,882 下载

abbey 0.1.3

Primitive JSON data store. Key-value structure with namespaces.

41,339 下载

abbish_sequel_plugins 0.0.6

For more detail please visit

23,608 下载

abBleGatewaySdk 0.0.0

ab ble gateway

3,686 下载

abbrev 0.1.2

Calculates a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings

3,065,905 下载

abbreviato 3.1.1

Truncate HTML to a specific bytesize, while keeping valid markup

43,806 下载

abbyy 0.2.1

A Ruby wrapper for the Abbyy Cloud OCR SDK API.

38,056 下载

abbyy-cloud 0.0.10

HTTP client to ABBYY Cloud API

31,126 下载

abbyy-ruby 0.2.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Abbyy Cloud OCR SDK API.

4,108 下载


An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.

21,713 下载


An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.

29,032 下载


An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.

29,288 下载


An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.

27,388 下载