avsd 0.0.3
Avsd recommends items based on input items.
6,306 下载
avski-common-utils 0.1.4
Centering my tools
8,253 下载
avst-cloud 0.1.42
Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers
75,697 下载
avst_multi_logger 0.0.3
Extends ruby logger, adds multiple sources and log summary
6,346 下载
avst-wizard 0.0.43
45,241 下载
avv2word 1.1.39
Convert avv to word docx document.
74,085 下载
avvo_api 0.2.1
An ActiveResource client to the Avvo API
18,794 下载
aw 0.2.1
Creates a sub-process to execute a block inside, and returns what it returns.
53,096 下载
awair 0.0.5
Publish Awair sensor data to mqtt
6,520 下载
awais_palindrome 0.1.0
Learn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector
2,686 下载
await 0.1.0
Implements the await/defer pattern for event-driven or asynchronous Ruby
5,353 下载
awaiter 0.1.0
The wrapper for Threads like a async/await in C#
2,691 下载
await_rb 0.2.0
Simply Ruby gem to execute tasks once a service has started.
2,525 下载
awallis-ri_cal 0.8.8
A new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries ...
8,719 下载
awardflair 0.0.4
Award flair (badges) to users of your app using the PickFlair service.
16,503 下载
awat 0.0.1
Awat - Automated Web Application Testing
6,045 下载
aw_datapipe 0.3.1
Unofficial domain specific ruby wrapper for the AWS SDK Data Pipeline API.
17,237 下载
awdwr_4th_juli 0.0.0
Script to download all images
4,423 下载
awe 0.0.0
Write a gem description
5,142 下载
aweber 1.6.1
Ruby interface to AWeber's API
572,464 下载
awein 0.0.2
Just a few useful extensions
3,969 下载
awelvor 0.0.1
A simple hello world gem
393 下载
aweplug 1.0.0.a24
A set of Awestruct extensions for building a project website
54,168 下载
awe-rails 0.5.1
Modeled after the jquery-rails gem. Installs the AWE files into the rails 3.1 asset pip...
36,316 下载
awes_cli 0.0.26
Ather cli tool
84,954 下载
awesm 0.1.10
The 'awesm' gem is an interface for (, a social link analy...
79,041 下载
awesome 1.0.0
This is a namespace for my summer 2010 project.
7,746 下载
awesome_acl 0.0.0
3,041 下载
awesome_admin_layout 0.3.0
AwesomeAdminLayout provides a simple way to add admin panel layout to your application.
22,119 下载
awesome_animal 0.1.0
randomly generate an animal with an adjective!
5,865 下载