adobeshare 0.0.4
Adobe Share API for Ruby
18,135 ダウンロード数
adoc 0.0.1
Awesome Rubygem docs
653 ダウンロード数
AdoccaMemcache 0.1.12
Based on memcache-client by <a href="">robotco...
70,729 ダウンロード数
adocsite 1.0.5
Very simple static site generator for asciidoc documents.
14,692 ダウンロード数
adomain 0.2.4
Simple, uncomplicated, schemed domain parsing using Addressable
155,588 ダウンロード数
adops_report_scrapper 0.2.52
Adops Report Scrapper is a collection of web scrappers that can automatically extract t...
276,171 ダウンロード数
adopt_a_pet 0.1.3
Interface with the Adopt-A-Pet API
9,019 ダウンロード数
adorable_avatars 0.0.1
Helper method to create unique random avatars for user basing on for ex. username or email
3,808 ダウンロード数
adorable_cat 0.0.5
It is a random cat fact and image generator.
4,929 ダウンロード数
adorn 0.0.5
A take on decorating objects based on the very valued work done by the [Draper](http://...
8,092 ダウンロード数
adornable 1.3.0
Adornable provides the ability to cleanly decorate methods in Ruby. You can make and us...
29,905 ダウンロード数
adparlor-facebook 0.8.2
The adparlor-facebook gem is a ruby library for interacting with the Facebook ads API. ...
33,035 ダウンロード数
ad_particles 0.1.0
ad_particles is SASS Module that defines a base set of variables that can used as a ...
3,271 ダウンロード数
adp_client 1.0.0
Simple ADP API client
5,115 ダウンロード数
adp-connection 0.1.5
The ADP Client Connection Library is intended to simplify and aid the process of authen...
149,179 ダウンロード数
adp-downloader 0.4.0
This app incrementally downloads ADP pay statements (pay stubs) from MyADP
21,121 ダウンロード数
adp-fluentd-plugin-gzip 0.0.12
Fluentd parser which compress data using gzip
16,928 ダウンロード数
adp-fluent-plugin-graphite 0.1.4
fluentd output plugin to send metrics to graphite
33,643 ダウンロード数
adp-fluent-plugin-kinesis 0.0.2
Fork of plugin created by AWS
3,276 ダウンロード数
adp-product-userinfo 0.1.0
The ADP UserInfo Product Library can be used to obtain basic information about the user...
8,279 ダウンロード数
adr 0.1.0.pre.dev0
Record architectural decisions
1,877 ダウンロード数
adrenaline 0.0.1
This will be fast
6,082 ダウンロード数
adri 0.1.0
Organize photos by date and location in a directory structure
4,382 ダウンロード数
adrian 2.0.2
A work dispatcher and some queue implementations
64,934 ダウンロード数
adriand-restful_acl 2.0.7
A Rails gem that provides fine grained access control to RESTful resources in a Rails 2...
4,456 ダウンロード数
adriano_view_tool 0.2.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
3,112 ダウンロード数
adrianss-compass-oocss-plugin 0.0.1
compass-oocss-plugin is a plugin for compass that incorporate oocss framework.
4,406 ダウンロード数
adrift 0.0.1
Simplistic attachment management
6,377 ダウンロード数
adriver_api 0.0.6
A simple Ruby wrapper for the Adriver API.
14,148 ダウンロード数
adroit-age 2.0.0
A simple gem to find age using date of birth - works for leap years also
166,715 ダウンロード数