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amq-client 1.0.4

amq-client is a fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client with pluggable networking I...

1,060,397 下載

amqp 1.8.0

Mature EventMachine-based RabbitMQ client.

4,780,263 下載

amqparty 0.0.8

AMQP-HTTP compliant replacement for HTTParty

15,579 下載

amqp-boilerplate 1.2.0

Collection of modules that aid in setting up AMQP producers and consumers.

70,621 下載

amqpcat 0.0.2

A netcat inspired command line tool for reading and writing simple messages to AMQP bas...

10,211 下載

amqpcat-hw 0.0.2

A netcat inspired command line tool for reading and writing simple messages to AMQP bas...

4,799 下載

amqp-client 1.1.7

Modern AMQP 0-9-1 Ruby client

85,115 下載

amqp-daemon-kit 1.0.1

amqp-daemon-kit is derived from the larger daemon-kit gem with updates to modernize and...

15,166 下載

amqp_directory_broadcaster 1.0.5

Read messages from a directory and send them to an AMQP exchange

24,393 下載

amqp-events 0.0.3

Distributed Events/RPC system using AMQP as a transport (pre-alpha)

11,061 下載

amqp-failover 0.0.3

Add multi-server failover and fallback to amqp gem.

15,929 下載

amqp_helpers 0.2.0

Simple helpers to achieve various AMQP tasks.

17,525 下載

amqp-hermes 1.0.1

Wrapper around ruby-amqp to make pub/sub easier

9,749 下載

amqp_logging 0.5.5

A ruby logger class that logs to an AMQP exchange in addition to your default log device.

21,092 下載

amqp_notifier 0.0.7

AMQP & Qusion helper class

27,778 下載

amqpop 0.0.2

Command line AMQP consumer

9,404 下載

amqp-processing 0.0.2

A server that allows multiple users to view and program a shared Ruby-Processing sketch.

10,813 下載

amq-protocol 2.3.2

amq-protocol is an AMQP 0.9.1 serialization library for Ruby. It is not a client: the...

59,179,191 下載

amqp-spec 0.3.8

Simple API for writing asynchronous EventMachine and AMQP specs. Runs legacy EM-Spec ba...

117,241 下載

amqp-subscribe-many 0.2.2

Codifies best practices and configuration when consuming from multiple AMQP brokers sim...

44,684 下載

amqp-tools 0.0.5

command line tools for AMQP/RabbitMQ

13,230 下載

amqp_topic_binding 0.2.0

A matcher for the AMQP topic binding algorithm

62,554 下載

amqp-utils 0.5.1

Command line utilies for interacting with AMQP compliant queues. The intention is...

80,652 下載

amqurl 0.0.1

AMQP-HTTP compliant curl clone

4,327 下載

amr_google_calendar 0.2.3

A fork of the Google Calendar gem by Steve Zich. The gem is a minimal wrapper around th...

5,139 下載

amrita2 2.0.2

Amrita2 is a a xml/xhtml template library for Ruby

21,554 下載

amr-test-project 0.1.0

Much longer explanation of the example!

2,054 下載

AMS 0.99.0

AMS is placeholder gem for the AMS namespace, used by the active_model_serializers gem.

4,955 下載

am-sendgrid 0.1.0

Makes it easy to call the sendgrid SMTP api from ActionMailer

6,323 下載

ams_hal 0.2.3

Provides an adapter to use with ActiveModel::Serializer so that resources can be serial...

5,021 下載