RubyGems Navigation menu


af-devise 2.1.2

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

5,417 下載

afd_parser 0.2.1

Use this gem to verify and parse data files generated from REPs.

2,728 下載

af_elastic 2.0.0

Get custom event data and send to elasticsearch.

10,135 下載

afeld-opencv 0.0.8

OpenCV wrapper for Ruby

5,700 下載

affadavit 0.1.0

Construct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing

656 下載

affairs_of_state 0.7.2

Add a simple state to a gem, without all the hassle of a complex state machine.

53,523 下載

affect 0.4

Affect: Algebraic Effects for Ruby

9,165 下載

affected_by_destroy 1.0

Rails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent => :...

5,644 下載

affected_on_destroy 0.0.2

Rails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent =>...

6,557 下載

affected_tests 0.8.0

Tool-kit for testing based on changed files.

5,311 下載

affectiva-surveyor 1.5.0.pre.disco.2

A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application

2,155 下載

affidavit 0.1.0

Construct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing

322 下載

affiliate_window 0.1.0

A gem for communicating with Affiliate Window's Publisher Service API.

5,589 下載

affiliate-window 0.2.1.pre1

Affiliate Window provide APIs for interacting with their merchant, product and transact...

6,966 下載

affiliate_window_etl 0.0.3

An ETL for retrieving records from the Affiliate Window APIand loading them into a Post...

7,693 下載

affiliation-api-client 0.1.14

Programmatic API to access Wizypay's Affiliation Network API.

40,773 下載

affiliation-api-resource 0.0.2

Programmatic API to access Wizypay's Affliation Network API.

7,005 下載

affiliation_id 0.2.0

Track requests by affiliating them with an uniq id.

1,569 下載

affiliator 0.2.1

Extends jquery to allow you to transform regular links to sites like Amazon or Walmart ...

3,084 下載

affilimator 0.0.3

A simple affilimator client gem

14,212 下載

affilinet 0.1.0

Gem to access the rest (actually only get but...) API of affilinet

8,282 下載

affine 0.2.3

Simple affine cipher for Ruby

17,338 下載

affinity 0.0.1

description coming soon

6,211 下載

affinitylabs-subdomain_routes 0.3.1

SubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be res...

6,065 下載

affinity_propagation 0.2.0

Affinity Propagation is a clustering algorithm that does not require pre-specifying the...

5,548 下載

affirm 1.1.2

Ruby client library for integrating with Affirm financing payments

232,181 下載

affirmative 1.1.0

Add affirmative? Method to String Class to Check if Y, Yes, etc.

6,680 下載


AffirmIt! is the supportive testing framework for Ruby..

6,102 下載

affirm-ruby 1.2.0

Ruby client library for API

54,736 下載

affirm-ruby-api 1.0.3

Affirm Ruby API for enabling Affirm Financing in your Ruby based projects.

10,510 下載