RubyGems Navigation menu

webmock 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 webmock

fluent-plugin-throttle 0.0.5

Fluentd filter for throttling logs based on a configurable key.

7,994,341 下载

json_api_client 1.23.0

Build client libraries compliant with specification defined by

7,944,588 下载

google-adwords-api 1.6.0

The AdWords API is no longer available. Please upgrade to the Google Ads API gem: googl...

7,927,129 下载

influxdb-client 3.1.0

This is the official Ruby library for InfluxDB 2.

7,865,969 下载

rack-livereload 0.6.0

Insert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware

7,816,520 下载

airborne 0.3.7

RSpec driven API testing framework

7,797,254 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_job 0.7.1

ActiveJob instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

7,729,313 下载

hubspot-ruby 0.9.0

hubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

7,704,335 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk 0.5.2

AWS SDK instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

7,291,304 下载

fluent-plugin-datadog 0.14.3

Datadog output plugin for Fluent event collector

7,117,577 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-resque 0.5.2

Resque instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

6,985,566 下载

dragonfly 1.4.0

Dragonfly is a framework that enables on-the-fly processing for any content type. It ...

6,864,865 下载

cloudflare-rails 6.0.0

This gem configures Rails for CloudFlare so that request.ip and request.remote_ip and w...

6,699,181 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-excon 0.22.3

Excon instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

6,696,506 下载

salesforce_bulk_query 0.2.0

A library for downloading data from Salesforce Bulk API. We only focus on querying, oth...

6,422,018 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-restclient 0.22.6

REST Client instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

6,328,074 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-delayed_job 0.22.2

Delayed Job instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,908,580 下载

oauth-tty 1.0.5

OAuth 1.0 TTY Command Line Interface

5,811,025 下载

paquet 0.2.1

This gem add a few rake tasks to create a uber gems that will be shipped as a zip

5,628,953 下载

easypost 6.2.0

Client library for accessing the EasyPost shipping API via Ruby.

5,567,833 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-sinatra 0.23.5

Sinatra instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,400,783 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_model_serializers 0.20.1

Active Model Serializers instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,368,641 下载

gitlab-qa 14.11.0

Integration tests for GitLab

5,346,054 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-mongo 0.22.3

Mongo instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,218,623 下载

bitly 3.0.0

Use the Bitly API version 4 to shorten or expand URLs. Check out the API documentation ...

5,208,283 下载

sorcery 0.17.0

Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re...

5,172,229 下载

gh 0.18.0

multi-layer client for the github api v3

5,081,046 下载

appium_lib_core 9.1.3

Minimal Ruby library for Appium.

5,011,630 下载

aws-xray-sdk 0.15.0

The AWS X-Ray SDK for Ruby enables Ruby developers to record and emit information from ...

4,946,328 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-koala 0.20.5

Koala instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

4,936,938 下载

下载总量 264,967,514

这个版本 2,478,708



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
