vcr 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 vcr
yt 0.34.0
Youtube V3 API client.
1,964,794 下載
bosh_cli 1.3262.26.0
1,914,519 下載
pagarme 2.4.0's ruby gem
1,878,763 下載
MailchimpTransactional 1.0.59
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Trainsactional API
1,854,112 下載
slack-api 1.6.1
A Ruby wrapper for the Slack API
1,797,404 下載
linkedin 1.1.1
Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
1,788,912 下載
avatax-ruby 0.1.0
Ruby client for Avatax
1,777,518 下載
forecast_io 2.0.2 API wrapper in Ruby
1,737,930 下載
elastic-enterprise-search 8.9.0
Official API client for Elastic Enterprise Search APIs.
1,695,767 下載
gitlab-fog-google 1.14.0
This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider to use the Goo...
1,647,831 下載
elastic-workplace-search 0.4.1
API client for accessing the Elastic Workplace Search API with no dependencies.
1,540,618 下載
dependabot-pub 0.300.0
Dependabot-Pub provides support for bumping Dart (pub) packages via Dependabot. If you ...
1,524,221 下載
qbo_api 3.0.3
Ruby JSON-only client for QuickBooks Online API v3. Built on top of the Faraday gem.
1,501,782 下載
legato 0.7.0
Access the Google Analytics Core Reporting and Management APIs with Ruby. Create models...
1,490,581 下載
klarna_proxy 0.9.3
Provides a Ruby interface to the current Klarna API, forked and inspired by https://rub...
1,467,705 下載
circleci 2.1.0
Ruby gem for Circle CI REST API
1,453,270 下載
ember-rails 0.21.0
Ember for Rails 3.1+
1,389,185 下載
workos 5.15.0
API client for WorkOS
1,385,272 下載
fedex 3.10.11
Provides an interface to Fedex Web Services
1,335,495 下載
sib-api-v3-sdk 9.1.0
Official SendinBlue provided RESTFul API V3 ruby library
1,331,305 下載
gqli 1.2.0
GraphQL client with simple interface, designed for developer happiness
1,258,842 下載
d2l-valence 0.0.1
["A", "Ruby", "client", "for", "Desire2Learn's", "Valence", "Learning", "Framework", "A...
1,235,902 下載
chargify_api_ares 1.4.15
A Chargify API wrapper for Ruby using ActiveResource
1,230,219 下載
miasma-aws 0.3.30
Smoggy AWS API
1,225,803 下載
docusign_rest 0.4.4
Hooks a Rails app up to the DocuSign service through the DocuSign REST API
1,171,919 下載
tracker_api 1.16.0
This gem allows you to easily use the Pivotal Tracker v5 API.
1,169,612 下載
github-authentication 1.1.0
Authenticate with GitHub
1,117,307 下載
chartmogul-ruby 4.4.0
Official Ruby client for ChartMogul's API
1,099,891 下載
shippo 4.0.0
A gem for connecting with over 20 shipping carriers and consolidators via a single inte...
1,057,941 下載
net 0.3.3
Retrieves information for Twitter users
1,043,241 下載