Dependencias inversas para vcr La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren vcr
google_places 2.0.0
This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API for use in your own proje...
4.288.727 Descargas
dependabot-omnibus 0.300.0
Dependabot-Omnibus provides all the gems included in Dependabot. Dependabot provides au...
4.102.591 Descargas
dependabot-terraform 0.300.0
Dependabot-Terraform provides support for bumping Terraform modules via Dependabot. If ...
4.074.559 Descargas
bugsnag-api 3.0.1
Bugsnag API toolkit for ruby
4.046.018 Descargas
dependabot-docker 0.300.0
Dependabot-Docker provides support for bumping Docker image tags via Dependabot. If you...
4.045.981 Descargas
dependabot-git_submodules 0.300.0
Dependabot-Git_Submodules provides support for bumping git submodules via Dependabot. I...
4.031.558 Descargas
dependabot-python 0.300.0
Dependabot-Python provides support for bumping Python packages via Dependabot. If you w...
4.020.642 Descargas
dependabot-nuget 0.300.0
Dependabot-Nuget provides support for bumping .NET (NuGet) packages via Dependabot. If ...
4.009.633 Descargas
dependabot-cargo 0.300.0
Dependabot-Cargo provides support for bumping Rust (cargo) crates via Dependabot. If yo...
4.006.621 Descargas
dependabot-elm 0.300.0
Dependabot-Elm provides support for bumping Elm packages via Dependabot. If you want su...
4.001.221 Descargas
dependabot-gradle 0.300.0
Dependabot-Gradle provides support for bumping Gradle packages via Dependabot. If you w...
3.989.136 Descargas
dependabot-maven 0.300.0
Dependabot-Maven provides support for bumping Maven packages via Dependabot. If you wan...
3.981.561 Descargas
dependabot-go_modules 0.300.0
Dependabot-Go_Modules provides support for bumping Go Modules versions via Dependabot. ...
3.912.673 Descargas
dependabot-hex 0.300.0
Dependabot-Hex provides support for bumping Elixir (hex) packages via Dependabot. If yo...
3.868.735 Descargas
dependabot-composer 0.300.0
Dependabot-Composer provides support for bumping PHP (composer) libraries via Dependabo...
3.865.186 Descargas
dependabot-npm_and_yarn 0.300.0
Dependabot-NPM_And_Yarn provides support for bumping Javascript (npm and yarn) librarie...
3.852.381 Descargas
dependabot-bundler 0.300.0
Dependabot-Bundler provides support for bumping Ruby (bundler) gems via Dependabot. If ...
3.768.515 Descargas
nexpose 7.3.0
This gem provides a Ruby API to the Nexpose vulnerability management product by Rapid7.
3.031.044 Descargas
dependabot-github_actions 0.300.0
Dependabot-GitHub_Actions provides support for bumping GitHub Actions via Dependabot. I...
2.745.418 Descargas
w3c_validators 1.3.7
A Ruby wrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium’s online validation services.
2.677.897 Descargas
mailjet 1.8.0
Ruby wrapper for Mailjet's v3 API
2.583.735 Descargas
opentok 4.12.0
OpenTok is an API from TokBox that enables websites to weave live group video communica...
2.483.477 Descargas
active_shipping 2.1.1
Get rates and tracking info from various shipping carriers. Extracted from Shopify.
2.469.614 Descargas
contentful-management 3.10.0
Ruby client for the Content Management API
2.299.454 Descargas
route53 0.4.0
Provides CRUD and list operations for records and zones as part of Amazon's Route 53 se...
2.279.873 Descargas
gooddata 2.3.1
Use the GoodData::Client class to integrate GoodData into your own application or use t...
2.104.457 Descargas
gooddata 2.3.1
Use the GoodData::Client class to integrate GoodData into your own application or use t...
2.104.457 Descargas
dependabot-dep 0.158.0
Automated dependency management for Ruby, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Elixir, Rust, Java, ...
2.040.995 Descargas
video_info 4.2.0
Get video info from Dailymotion, Vimeo and YouTube url.
2.010.903 Descargas
MailchimpMarketing 3.0.80
The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Marketing API
1.970.597 Descargas