Dependencias inversas para unparser La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren unparser
ast_transform 1.0.0
An AST transformation framework.
14.333 Descargas
twitter_retry 0.2.2
Twitter api awesome handling with retry
12.224 Descargas
tweezer 0.2.0
Tweezer is a CLI to add, remove, and edit Gemfile dependencies in an automated way
11.444 Descargas
rux 1.2.0
A jsx-inspired way to write view components.
11.300 Descargas
flood-capybara 0.0.4
Run your Capybara RSpec test cases on Flood IO
10.765 Descargas
tweet_sanitizer 0.2.1
sanitize tweet
10.373 Descargas
remote_ruby 1.0.0
Execute Ruby code on the remote servers from local Ruby script.
9.211 Descargas
zombie-killer 0.5
Translate YCP-like library calls (Ops.*, Builtins.*) to idiomatic Ruby
8.981 Descargas
qq 0.2.4
Improved puts debugging output for busy Ruby programmers.
8.316 Descargas
parking_ticket 1.0.51
Automatically renew your parking ticket when it expires.
8.280 Descargas
itest5ch 2.0.2
5ch (a.k.a. 2ch) reader via
7.781 Descargas
compact_blank 0.1.9999
Adds compact_blank and compact_blank! to Array and Hash
7.383 Descargas
kiriban_getter 0.1.2
Check number whether kiriban
7.347 Descargas
rspock 1.0.0
Data-driven testing framework.
7.135 Descargas
gemfile_arranger 0.0.2
Sort gems, fix indent, etc.
6.121 Descargas
unparser-cli_wrapper 0.1.1
Replace "-" with STDIN like unix option.
5.694 Descargas
umwelt 0.2
Umwelt is a domain architecture development(knowledge management) tool, for handy proto...
4.955 Descargas
mdtoc 0.1.5
# mdtoc - Markdown Table of Contents Read Markdown files and output a table of content...
4.827 Descargas
rubocop-mangrove 0.4.0
Type Utility for Ruby.
4.673 Descargas
arango-driver 3.5.0.alpha1
Ruby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API
3.980 Descargas
outil 0.1
Outil is a library for storing and importing reusable code
3.800 Descargas
rewriter 0.0.1
Ruby code rewriter. Currently just a proof of concept.
3.546 Descargas
table_syntax 0.1.0
Use TableSyntax to create and parse data tables directly in Ruby code. Extracted from t...
3.407 Descargas
macros 0.1
Macros for Ruby
3.280 Descargas
carbonate 0.1
A Clojure-inspired Lisp dialect that aims to mirror full Ruby functionality. Includes a...
3.268 Descargas
sith 0.1.0
A macro preprocessor for Ruby with ruby-like template notation
3.223 Descargas
oblivion 0.2.0
A Ruby code uglifier
3.199 Descargas
bundler-commentate 0.3.0
Bundler plugin to add gem summaries to a Gemfile
3.123 Descargas
namespacer-rb 0.1.10
For those times you realize you should have namespaced your class(es) or module(s).
2.093 Descargas
erb2rux 0.1.0
Automatically convert .html.erb files into .rux files.
1.971 Descargas