RubyGems Navigation menu

timecop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 timecop

doorkeeper-mongodb 5.4.0

Doorkeeper Mongoid ORM extension

1,599,884 下載

sidekiq-cloudwatchmetrics 2.6.0

Runs a thread inside your Sidekiq processes to report metrics to CloudWatch useful for ...

1,547,331 下載

lorekeeper 2.6.3

Opinionated logger which outputs messages in JSON format

1,546,308 下載

cucumber-timecop 0.0.6

Timecop steps definition for Cucumber

1,535,720 下載

logster 2.19.1

UI for viewing logs in Rack

1,532,273 下載

carrierwave_direct 3.0.0

Process your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3

1,519,883 下載

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1,514,598 下載

resque-job-stats-promptcloud 0.4.4

Tracks jobs performed, failed, and the duration of the last 100 jobs for each job type.

1,457,755 下載

krane 3.6.0

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

1,377,760 下載

sidekiq-middleware 0.3.0

Additional sidekiq middleware

1,325,330 下載

newrelic_plugin 1.3.1

The New Relic Plugin Gem is used to send plugin data to New Relic from non-application ...

1,317,688 下載

rails-healthcheck 1.4.0

A simple way to configure a healthcheck route for a Rails application

1,233,704 下載

sidekiq-prometheus-exporter 0.2.0

All the basic metrics prepared for Prometheus

1,223,207 下載

d2l-valence 0.0.1

["A", "Ruby", "client", "for", "Desire2Learn's", "Valence", "Learning", "Framework", "A...

1,204,680 下載

fluent-plugin-flowcounter 1.3.0

Plugin to counts messages/bytes that matches, per minutes/hours/days

1,179,593 下載

filepicker-rails 2.1.0

Makes integrating with rails 4 easy

1,097,148 下載

inst-jobs 3.1.17

Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job

1,075,513 下載

autoproj 2.17.0

autoproj is a manager for sets of software packages. It allows the user to import and b...

1,072,275 下載

montrose 0.16.0

A library for specifying, quering, and enumerating recurring events for calendars in Ruby.

1,051,428 下載

delocalize 1.2.0

Delocalize is a tool for parsing localized dates/times and numbers.

1,039,648 下載

cfoundry 4.7.1

High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API.

1,034,382 下載

flexirest 1.12.4

Accessing REST services in a flexible way

1,016,140 下載

logidze 1.3.0

PostgreSQL JSONB-based model changes tracking

1,007,570 下載

autobuild 1.24.0

Collection of classes to handle build systems (CMake, autotools, ...) and import mechan...

1,001,637 下載

bosh-stemcell 1.3262.24.0

Bosh::Stemcell provides tools to manage stemcells

988,154 下載

loggability 0.18.2

A composable logging system built on the standard Logger library.

987,997 下載

phobos 2.1.6

Phobos is a microframework and library for kafka based applications, it wraps common be...

977,506 下載

bosh_cli_plugin_micro 1.3262.24.0

BOSH CLI plugin for Micro BOSH deployment

960,484 下載

delayed_job_recurring 0.3.9

Extends delayed_job to support recurring jobs, including timezone support

956,819 下載

dapp 0.36.32

Build docker packaged apps using chef or shell

939,740 下載

總下載次數 197,940,138

這個版本 243,600



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
