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Dependencias inversas para test-unit-rr La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren test-unit-rr

fluent-plugin-watch-objectspace 0.2.2

Watch fluentd's resource (memory and object) via ObjectSpace to detect memory leaks

5.754 Descargas

triglav-agent-vertica 1.0.0

Vertica agent for Triglav, data-driven workflow tool.

5.666 Descargas

feedcellar-curses 0.1.1

Feedcellar::Curses is a curses interface for Feedcellar.

5.553 Descargas

fluent-plugin-google-chat 0.0.3

fluent Google Chat plugin

5.520 Descargas

fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss 0.0.1

Aliyun OSS plugin for Fluentd event collector

5.501 Descargas

github-web-hooks-receiver 1.0.1

GitHub web hook receiver

5.348 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_v0.14 0.24.1

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

5.245 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_fix 2.2.0.pre.3

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

5.162 Descargas

fluent-plugin-sekoia-io 0.0.3

FluentD output plugin to send messages via Syslog rfc5424 for sekoia.

5.128 Descargas

fluent-plugin-node-exporter-metrics 0.2.1

node exporter metrics input plugin implements 11 node exporter collectors

5.011 Descargas

fluent-plugin-remote_syslog_ms 1.2.2

Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog

5.007 Descargas

aq 0.1.0

Command Line Tool for AWS Athena (bq command like)

4.908 Descargas

embulk-parser-unpack 0.1.5

Parses fixed width files read by other file input plugins.

4.748 Descargas

fluent-plugin-monitor-agent-modified 0.1.1

Modified version of default in_monitor_agent in fluentd. It can monitor number of emitt...

4.533 Descargas

romantic_text 0.2.0

A romantic DSL for writing HTML.

4.287 Descargas


Fluentd is an open source data collector designed to scale and simplify log management....

4.258 Descargas

fluent-plugin-remote_syslog_tls 1.0.2

Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog

4.044 Descargas

fluent-plugin-openshift_metadata_input 0.1.1

Input plugin to collect Openshift metadata

3.833 Descargas

tanka_renderer 0.0.1

A rendering tool for short text such as tanka (31-mora Japanese poem).

3.685 Descargas

fluent-plugin-s3-arrow 0.2.0

Extends the fluent-plugin-s3 compression algorithm to enable red-arrow compression.

3.674 Descargas

mireru2 0.0.1

A file viewer with a focus on flexibility by Ruby/GTK2. A friend of a keyboard.

3.645 Descargas

restore_from_repository 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3.598 Descargas

prpr-review_request 1.0.1

Prpr plugin to notify when a pull request review is requested, or when a review request...

3.362 Descargas

fluent-plugin-gcloud-pubsub-custom-compress-batches 1.3.4

Google Cloud Pub/Sub input/output plugin for Fluentd event collector - with payload com...

3.359 Descargas

github-event-watcher 1.0.0

GitHub event watcher

3.312 Descargas

term2irc 0.1.0

Terminal color to IRC color. Experimental.

3.240 Descargas

feedcellar-gtk 0.1.0

Feedcellar::Gtk is a GTK+ interface for Feedcellar.

3.220 Descargas

adp-fluent-plugin-kinesis 0.0.2

Fork of plugin created by AWS

3.121 Descargas

embulk-parser-fixed 0.1.0

Parses fixed width files read by other file input plugins.

2.935 Descargas

fluent-plugin-line-notify 0.1.0

fluent-plugin-line-notify is a fluentd plugin to call LINE Notify API.

2.876 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.131.142

Para esta versión 2.993.539

Versión publicada:


LGPLv2 or later

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
