RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for test-unit-rails Latest version of the following gems require test-unit-rails

kaminari 1.2.2

Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...

174,922,866 下載

dynamic_form 1.3.1

DynamicForm holds a few helper methods to help you deal with your Rails3 models. It inc...

13,345,205 下載

kaminari-mongoid 1.0.2

kaminari-mongoid lets your Mongoid models be paginatable

6,038,936 下載

database_rewinder 1.0.1

A minimalist's tiny and ultra-fast database cleaner for Active Record

4,764,102 下載

active_decorator 1.4.1

A simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails

4,389,914 下載

jb 0.8.2

Faster and simpler JSON renderer for Rails

3,120,779 下載

erd 0.8.2

erd engine on Rails

2,539,557 下載

action_args 2.7.3

Rails plugin gem that supports Merbish style controller action arguments.

1,392,552 下載

stateful_enum 0.7.0

A state machine plugin on top of ActiveRecord::Enum

1,262,573 下載

load_data_infile2 0.2.4

This gem provides MySQL's LOAD DATA INFILE for Mysql2 and ActiveRecord

484,365 下載

kaminari-mongo_mapper 1.0.1

kaminari-mongo_mapper lets your MongoMapper models be paginatable

238,819 下載

active_decorator_with_decorate_associations 0.0.4

Enable active_decorator to automatically decorate associated models

85,816 下載

mysql_rake_tasks 1.0.0

A collection of rails rake tasks for mysql.

25,491 下載

simple_json 0.0.0

Faster and simpler JSON renderer for Rails

15,504 下載

mentionable 0.3.0

Discovery mentions from ActiveRecord column.

13,131 下載

kawaii_validation 1.0.0

Model.validates { presence_of :name }

11,244 下載

still_life 0.2.1

Test result HTML recorder for capybara, test-unit, minitest, and RSpec

6,946 下載

kawaii_association 0.1.0

An Active Record DSL extension that allows you to declare multiple associaitons with a ...

2,032 下載

kaminari-jets 0.2.0

Kaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...

526 下載

總下載次數 274,965

這個版本 75,969


LGPLv2 or later

Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
