stringio 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 stringio
psych 5.2.3
Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[
95,635,529 下載
anycable-core 1.5.2
AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...
3,365,282 下載
open-uri 0.5.0
An easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP.
2,324,446 下載
eyes_universal 4.32.2
eyes-universal binaries for writing Applitools tests
450,491 下載
evil-winrm 3.7
The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting
338,104 下載
mihari 8.1.0
A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
198,229 下載
fat_core 5.5.2
Useful extensions to Date, String, Range and other classes including useful Date extens...
181,115 下載
glimmer-dsl-libui 0.12.7
Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Fukuoka Award Winning Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development...
174,701 下載
gemirro 1.6.0
Create your own gems mirror.
92,945 下載
omni_exchange 3.0.0
OmniExchange converts currencies using up-to-the-minute foreign exchange rates.
82,085 下載
familia 0.10.2
Familia: An ORM for Redis in Ruby.. Organize and store ruby objects in Redis
79,973 下載
tf 0.4.6
Testing Framework solely based on plugins. For now only tests using Bash.
77,663 下載
rafini 3.3.230213
Just a collection of useful refinements.
28,224 下載
pyer-logger 1.2.0
12,101 下載
salesforce_certification_calculator 0.2.6
Calculates cumulative percentage from Salesforce certification section results
10,004 下載
supergood 1.0.1
Supergood - API monitoring
8,148 下載
ruby-curl 2.0.0
True Ruby binding for cURL.
5,151 下載
linzer 0.6.2
An implementation of HTTP Messages Signatures (RFC9421)
4,016 下載
apigatewayv2_rack 0.2.2
handle AWS Lambda API Gateway V2 or ALB (ELBv2) lambda request event with Rack application
3,698 下載
activesupport-logger 2.0.3
Rails v8 ActiveSupport::Logger backported to Rails v5.2+ & Ruby 2.7+
3,618 下載
hub-clusters-creator 0.0.3
An agent used to provision GKE clusters for the Appvia Hub
2,688 下載
activesupport-broadcast_logger 2.0.4
Rails v8 ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger, fixed & backported to Rails v5.2+ & Ruby 2.7+
2,455 下載
sequel-oracle_enhanced 0.1.0
Extend sequel adapters with oracle_enhanced to have same naming as for activerecord
2,393 下載
br-invoice-download 1.0.0
BrInvoiceDownload é uma gem para projetos Ruby on Rails que tem como objetivo fazer o d...
2,336 下載
glimmer-dsl-wx 0.1.0
Glimmer DSL for WX (wxWidgets Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library). This is a Glimmer ...
2,255 下載
activesupport-tagged_logging 2.0.3
Rails v8 ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging, fixed & backported to Rails v5.2+ & Ruby 2.7+
2,189 下載
panda-core 0.1.11
Shared development tools, configurations, and utilities for Panda CMS and its related p...
1,734 下載
clauneck 0.0.3
A tool for scraping emails, social media accounts, and many more information from websi...
1,544 下載
rubcask 0.3.0
Bitcask-like Key/Value storege library with a TCP server included
1,207 下載
wuffl 1.0.1
# Wuffl <strong> 1. Introduction </strong> Wuffl is a simple image viewer which can m...
1,143 下載