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state_machine 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 state_machine

bluepill 0.1.3

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

3,806,123 下載

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

366,884 下載

state_machine_rspec 0.2.0

RSpec matchers for state_machine.

359,833 下載

state_machine-audit_trail 0.1.9

Log transitions on a state machine to support auditing and business process analytics.

293,762 下載

punchblock 2.7.5

Like Rack is to Rails and Sinatra, Punchblock provides a consistent API on top of sever...

288,376 下載

rearview 1.2.3

Timeseries data monitoring framework running as a rails engine

111,915 下載

enigmamachine 0.6.5

A RESTful video encoder which you can use as either a front-end to ffmpeg or headless o...

107,777 下載

facebook_app 0.0.34

Includes authentication, tracking, and lots of convenience methods

103,525 下載

xcodebuild-rb 0.3.0

Build Xcode projects using Rake

99,506 下載

crowdblog 0.6.2

This mountable engine has the basic functionality to manage Posts

98,678 下載

has_messages 0.4.1

Demonstrates a reference implementation for sending messages between users in ActiveRecord

97,593 下載

call_center 2.0.1

Support for describing call center workflows

89,354 下載

smith 0.8.9

Simple multi-agent framework. It uses AMQP for it's messaging layer.

84,636 下載

nimbleshop_core 0.0.23

Provides core e-commerce support to nimbleShop

84,392 下載

cloud66-bluepill 0.0.64

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

79,746 下載

batchy 1.0.1

For handling all of the exceptions, states, timeouts, etc of batch processes

79,287 下載

helpdesk 0.0.42

Helpesk includes: tickets, ticket types, email-notification, FAQ, subscribers

75,780 下載

carter 0.8.1

A really simple shopping cart implementation for rails.

51,904 下載

voluntary 0.7.1

#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:

51,602 下載

the_comments 2.3.1

Comments with threading for Rails 4

40,942 下載

orchestrated 0.0.14

a workflow orchestration framework running on delayed_job and active_record

40,669 下載

comable_core 0.5.0

Provide core functions for Comable.

38,569 下載

g5_sibling_deployer_engine 0.7.0

Rails Engine for G5 sibling deployers

35,984 下載

renote 0.2.1

Use Renote to append keyboard input to a file, until ESCAPE is pressed.

33,327 下載

enju_export 0.1.0

Exporting records of Next-L Enju

32,931 下載

courier 0.2.4

Система управления пользовательскими оповещениями и подписками

32,421 下載

tasque 0.2.5

Task processing queue with states, history and priorities. Works with your favorite dat...

29,185 下載

procrastinate 0.6.0

Framework to run tasks in separate processes.

28,341 下載

zeevex_cluster 0.3.6

Using a shared data storage service like MySQL, Memcache, Redis, or ZooKeeper, one proc...

27,195 下載

nestor 0.2.4

Nestor watches file system events and responds by running the tests or specs that match...

27,053 下載

總下載次數 19,120,324

這個版本 15,015,193



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