RubyGems Navigation menu

standard 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 standard

m 1.6.2

Run test/unit tests by line number. Metal!

3,378,569 下载

minitar-cli 1.0.0

<tt>minitar-cli</tt> is a pure-Ruby command-line tool that uses {minitar}[https://githu...

2,985,711 下载

gem_bench 2.0.5

* Benchmark different versions of same or similar gems * Copy & Re-namespace any gem to...

2,916,738 下载

video_info 4.2.0

Get video info from Dailymotion, Vimeo and YouTube url.

2,010,930 下载

cached_resource 9.0.0

Enables request-based caching for ActiveResource

1,973,259 下载

cable_ready 5.0.6

Out-of-Band Server Triggered DOM Operations

1,826,038 下载

kiba 4.0.0

Lightweight ETL for Ruby

1,662,110 下载

text-hyphen 1.5.0

Text::Hyphen is a Ruby library to hyphenate words in various languages using Ruby-fied ...

1,593,043 下载

stronger_parameters 2.23.1

Type checking and type casting of parameters for Action Pack

1,505,161 下载

route_downcaser 2.0.0

This gem hooks into the Rack middleware of Rails. This way all paths are downcased befo...

1,338,903 下载

pairing_heap 3.1.0

Performant priority queue in pure ruby with support for changing priority using pairing...

1,333,826 下载

montrose 0.18.0

A library for specifying, quering, and enumerating recurring events for calendars in Ruby.

1,278,791 下载

standardrb 1.0.1

Alias for the standard gem, which has a standardrb binary

1,219,604 下载

stimulus_reflex 3.5.3

Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.

1,081,550 下载

activejob-status 1.0.2

Monitor your jobs

1,016,853 下载

xsv 1.3.2

Xsv is a fast, lightweight parser for Office Open XML spreadsheet files ...

947,588 下载

good_migrations 0.3.0

Referencing code in app/ from a database migration risks breaking the migration when yo...

945,462 下载

graphiti 1.7.6

Easily build APIs

890,639 下载

pg_ltree 1.2.2

Organize ActiveRecord model into a tree structure using PostgreSQL LTree

748,719 下载

marc 1.3.0

A ruby library for working with Machine Readable Cataloging

744,203 下载

cypress-rails 0.7.1

Helps you write Cypress tests of your Rails app

743,076 下载

graphiti_errors 1.1.2

Handles application errors and model validations

730,899 下载

devise-guests 0.8.3

Guest user implementation for devise

723,964 下载

warning_signs 0.7.2

A gem for managing ruby and rails deprecation warnings

662,337 下载

braze_ruby 0.11.0

Wrapper for Braze API

662,321 下载

kiba-common 1.5.0

Commonly used helpers for Kiba ETL

643,134 下载

transloadit 3.1.0

The transloadit gem allows you to automate uploading files through the Transloadit REST...

606,445 下载

dip 8.2.5

DIP - Docker Interaction Process.CLI tool for better development experience when intera...

604,839 下载

imgproxy 3.0.0

A gem that easily generates imgproxy URLs for your images

548,749 下载

acts-as-taggable-array-on 0.7.0

Simple tagging gem for Rails using postgres array.

518,167 下载

下载总量 26,115,341

这个版本 16,336



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true
