RubyGems Navigation menu

sqlite3の被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はsqlite3を必要としています

after_commit_everywhere 1.4.0

Brings before_commit, after_commit, and after_rollback transactional callbacks outside ...

21,495,399 ダウンロード数

redmine_crm 0.0.63

Common libraries for RedmineUP plugins ( for Redmine. Requered Redmin...

19,591,246 ダウンロード数

crystalball 0.7.0

Provides simple way to integrate regression test selection approach to your RSpec test ...

18,845,490 ダウンロード数

scout_apm 5.3.8

Monitors Ruby apps and reports detailed metrics on performance to Scout.

18,571,146 ダウンロード数

discard 1.3.0

Allows marking ActiveRecord objects as discarded, and provides scopes for filtering.

17,663,367 ダウンロード数

hashie-forbidden_attributes 0.1.1

Automatic strong parameter detection with Hashie and Forbidden Attributes. Formerly kno...

17,508,230 ダウンロード数

active_record_union 1.3.0

UNIONs in ActiveRecord! Adds proper union and union_all methods to ActiveRecord::Relation.

17,003,529 ダウンロード数

db-query-matchers 0.12.0

RSpec matchers for database queries

16,726,650 ダウンロード数

test_after_commit 1.2.2

makes after_commit callbacks testable in Rails 3+ with transactional_fixtures

16,450,730 ダウンロード数

cloudinary 2.1.1

Client library for easily using the Cloudinary service

14,984,152 ダウンロード数

active_storage_validations 1.1.4

Validations for Active Storage (presence)

14,271,206 ダウンロード数

phony_rails 0.15.0

This Gem adds useful methods to your Rails app to validate, display and save phone numb...

12,872,991 ダウンロード数

activerecord-deprecated_finders 1.0.4

Deprecated finder APIs extracted from Active Record.

12,766,395 ダウンロード数

paper_trail-association_tracking 2.2.1

Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations

12,356,496 ダウンロード数

fast_jsonapi 1.5

JSON API( serializer that works with rails and can be used to serialize any...

12,118,055 ダウンロード数

jsonapi-serializer 2.2.0

Fast, simple and easy to use JSON:API serialization library (also known as fast_jsonapi).

11,980,976 ダウンロード数

protected_attributes 1.1.4

Protect attributes from mass assignment

11,964,950 ダウンロード数

redis-objects 1.7.0

Map Redis types directly to Ruby objects. Works with any class or ORM.

11,801,103 ダウンロード数

counter_culture 3.7.0

counter_culture provides turbo-charged counter caches that are kept up-to-date not just...

11,566,185 ダウンロード数

minitest-spec-rails 7.2.0

The minitest-spec-rails gem makes it easy to use the \ Minitest::S...

11,508,800 ダウンロード数

authlogic 6.4.3

An unobtrusive ruby authentication library based on ActiveRecord.

10,612,443 ダウンロード数

shrine 3.6.0

Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...

10,546,215 ダウンロード数

geokit-rails 2.5.0

Official Geokit plugin for Rails/ActiveRecord. Provides location-based goodness for you...

10,180,896 ダウンロード数

public_activity 3.0.1

Easy activity tracking for your ActiveRecord models. Provides Activity model with detai...

9,925,057 ダウンロード数

minitest-hooks 1.5.1

minitest-hooks adds around and before_all/after_all/around_all hooks for Minitest. This...

9,552,531 ダウンロード数

apipie-rails 1.4.0

Rails REST API documentation tool

9,494,087 ダウンロード数

roxml 4.2.0

ROXML is a Ruby library designed to make it easier for Ruby developers to work with XML...

9,238,970 ダウンロード数

nilify_blanks 1.4.0

Often times you'll end up with empty strings where you really want nil at the database ...

8,818,343 ダウンロード数

okcomputer 1.18.5

Inspired by the simplicity of Fitter Happier, but frustrated by its lack of flexibi...

8,738,252 ダウンロード数

sinatra-activerecord 2.0.27

Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helpers.

8,586,110 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 135,032,945

このバージョンのみ 14,920



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 3.0

新しいバージョンはMFAを必要とします: true

MFAで投稿されたバージョン: true
