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spontaneous 0.2.0.beta10

Spontaneous is a content management framework that allows the easy development of sophisticated & beautiful websites with powerful developer tools & an elegant editing interface.




  1. 0.2.0.beta10 March 20, 2015 (1,5 MB)
  2. 0.2.0.beta9 October 30, 2014 (1,49 MB)
  3. 0.2.0.beta8 October 29, 2014 (1,49 MB)
  4. 0.2.0.beta7 September 03, 2014 (1,48 MB)
  5. 0.2.0.beta6 August 06, 2014 (1,48 MB)
Mostrar todas as versões (18)

Runtime Dependencies (28):

activesupport ~> 4.0
bcrypt ~> 3.1
bundler ~> 1.5
coffee-script ~> 2.2
cutaneous ~> 0.2
erubis ~> 2.6
fog ~> 1.17
foreman ~> 0.60
kramdown ~> 0.14
launchy ~> 2.1
moneta ~> 0.7
nokogiri ~> 1.5
oj ~> 2.11
posix-spawn ~> 0.3.6
public_suffix ~> 1.0
rack ~> 1.5
rake ~> 10.0
sass ~> 3.2
sequel ~> 4.8
simultaneous ~> 0.4.2
sinatra ~> 1.3
skeptick ~> 0.1.1
sprockets ~> 2.9
stringex = 1.3
thin ~> 1.2
thor ~> 0.16
uglifier ~> 1.3
xapian-fu ~> 1.5

Development Dependencies (5):

minitest ~> 4.7.0
mocha ~> 0.13.2
rack-test ~> 0.5
timecop ~> 0.7



  • Garry Hill

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de downloads 40.732

Desta versão 2.199

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 2.0.0

Versão Requerida do RubyGems: > 1.3.1
