RubyGems Navigation menu

sinatra 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sinatra

berlin-ai 0.0.39

Berlin Artificial Intelligence

135,923 下載

gitdocs 0.6.2

Open-source Dropbox using Ruby and Git.

134,816 下載

code-explorer 0.3.0

Find your way around source code written in Ruby

134,266 下載

redmon 0.0.13

Redis Admin interface and monitor.

133,759 下載

mercury 1.0.2

Hack with haml, sass, jquery and coffee-script!

133,588 下載

jsus 0.4.0

Javascript packager and dependency resolver

133,570 下載

taskwarrior-web 1.1.12

This gem provides a graphical frontend for the Taskwarrior task manager. It is based on...

133,414 下載

jspec 4.3.3

JavaScript BDD Testing Framework

132,807 下載

rack-oauth2-server 2.8.1

Because you don't allow strangers into your app, and OAuth 2.0 is the new awesome.

131,825 下載

sinatra-hashfix 0.1.0

Changes Sinatra params hash to use HashWithIndifferentAccess

128,908 下載

sinatra-pages 1.5.3

A Sinatra extension for static pages rendering using the HAML rendering engine.

128,221 下載

copycopter_client 2.0.1

Client for the Copycopter copy management service

127,818 下載

capybara-typhoeus 0.7.1

Typhoeus driver for Capybara, allowing testing of REST APIs

126,654 下載

cloud-crowd 0.7.6

The crowd, suddenly there where there was nothing before, is a mysterious and unive...

126,101 下載

rack-insight 0.6.4

Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Based on logical...

125,162 下載

songkick-transport 1.11.0

HTTP client abstraction for service clients

124,373 下載

sinatra-cometio 0.6.0

Comet component for Sinatra RocketIO

123,936 下載

akephalos 0.2.5

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

123,557 下載

akephalos 0.2.5

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

123,557 下載

alephant-publisher 0.6.10

Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages

122,814 下載

heroku-nav 0.2.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

122,806 下載

hyperresource 0.9.4

HyperResource is a hypermedia client library for Ruby. Its goals are to interface ...

122,784 下載

luca 0.9.899

This gem allows you to use the luca-ui backbone.js component framework easily with the ...

121,711 下載

madness 1.2.1

Start a markdown server in any directory

120,944 下載

inbox 2.0.1

Gem for interacting with the Nylas API.

119,784 下載

smartkiosk-client 0.2.1

Smartkiosk client application

118,996 下載

better_delayed_job_web 1.3.12

Probably the best interface for Delayed Job

118,951 下載

lsh 0.6.0

An implementation of LSH in Ruby, using JBLAS for JRuby and GSL for MRI

118,145 下載

lsh 0.6.0

An implementation of LSH in Ruby, using JBLAS for JRuby and GSL for MRI

118,145 下載

RTFMd 0.10301.17

A simple, Markdown documentation helper with ronn, gollum, and offline-generation support

117,313 下載

總下載次數 267,151,255

這個版本 2,208,453



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.8
