sinatra 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sinatra
excon 1.2.5
EXtended http(s) CONnections
551,373,105 下载
capybara 3.40.0
Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...
273,611,041 下载
faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.7
Cookie jar middleware for Faraday
115,267,502 下载
eye 0.10.0
Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3...
110,493,777 下载
capybara-screenshot 1.0.26
When a Cucumber step fails, it is useful to create a screenshot image and HTML file of ...
90,426,026 下载
resque 2.7.0
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...
45,562,362 下载
sendgrid-ruby 6.7.0
Official Twilio SendGrid Gem to Interact with Twilio SendGrids API in native Ruby
43,570,415 下载
vegas 0.1.11
Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack ...
40,861,257 下载
poltergeist 1.18.1
Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
36,006,374 下载
sinatra-contrib 4.1.1
Collection of useful Sinatra extensions
29,733,302 下载
sidekiq-failures 1.0.4
Keep track of Sidekiq failed jobs
26,836,410 下载
sidekiq-status 3.0.3
An extension to the sidekiq message processing to track your jobs
18,309,906 下载
intercom-rails 1.0.6
Intercom ( is a customer relationship management and messaging ...
13,235,360 下载
rspec-html-matchers 0.10.0
Nokogiri based 'have_tag' and 'with_tag' matchers for RSpec. Does not depend on assert_...
12,484,565 下载
avro_turf 1.18.0
A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby
10,662,671 下载
sinatra-activerecord 2.0.28
Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helpers.
9,094,837 下载
rspec_api_documentation 6.1.0
Generate API docs from your test suite
8,933,946 下载
capybara-webkit 1.15.1
Headless Webkit driver for Capybara
8,599,643 下载
rack-livereload 0.6.1
Insert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware
8,363,325 下载
mailcatcher 0.10.0
MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...
8,125,285 下载
split 4.0.4
Rack based split testing framework
7,897,289 下载
pusher-fake 6.0.0
A fake Pusher server for development and testing.
7,458,438 下载
logstash-output-http 6.0.0
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
7,449,487 下载
sniffer 0.5.0
Analyze HTTP Requests
7,275,220 下载
roar 1.2.0
Object-oriented representers help you defining nested REST API documents which can then...
6,927,559 下载
capistrano-harrow 0.5.3
Hooks to allow people experiencing problems with Capistrano to register with a service ...
6,517,391 下载
puma-plugin-statsd 2.6.0
Send puma metrics to statsd via a background thread
6,467,648 下载
delayed_job_web 1.4.4
Web interface for delayed_job inspired by resque
6,374,378 下载
travis 1.14.0
CLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI
6,041,448 下载
faye 1.4.0
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
5,344,046 下载