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sinatra 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sinatra

rhosync 2.1.17

RhoSync Synchronization Framework and related command-line utilities

151,732 下載

sadie 0.1.11

Sadie is a data framework intended to ease the pain of managing related data.

151,392 下載

fnordmetric 1.2.9

FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids

151,298 下載

emk-sinatra-url-for 0.2.1

Construct absolute paths and full URLs for a Sinatra application

150,138 下載

kitchen_hooks 2.1.1

GitLab WebHoook for automated Chef Server uploads.

149,473 下載

norikra 1.5.1

Norikra is a open source server software provides "Schema-les Stream Processing" with S...

149,169 下載

sinatra-static-assets 1.0.4

This Sinatra extensions provides following helper methods: - image_tag - styles...

147,914 下載

classy_assets 0.14.5

Asset Pipeline for classy Sinatra (and/or Rack) apps

147,419 下載

tilt-handlebars 2.0.0

A Tilt interface for the official JavaScript implementation of the Handlebars templ...

147,244 下載

sinatra_cyclist 0.0.3

Cycle through pages at a regular interval

145,725 下載

ananke 2.0.5

Ananke enables a new kind of ReST implementation

144,272 下載

ploy 0.0.42

Multi-phase deployment tool for use in a continuous deployment environment.

143,882 下載

rubypitaya 3.19.6

RubyPitaya is an application to create servers using the pitaya protocol.

143,479 下載

populate-me 0.22.1

PopulateMe is an admin system for managing structured content of web applications. It i...

143,269 下載

rack-honeycomb 0.5.0

Rack middleware for logging request data to Honeycomb.

142,339 下載

capybara-json 0.4.0

for testing json-api

142,162 下載

genghisapp 2.3.11

Genghis is a single-file MongoDB admin app, made entirely out of awesome.

142,090 下載

canvas-jobs 0.11.0

Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job

141,707 下載

dolt 0.30.0

Dolt serves git trees and syntax highlighted blobs

140,789 下載

akephalos2 2.1.3

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

140,755 下載

akephalos2 2.1.3

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

140,755 下載

nutella_framework 0.9.2

utella is a framework to create and run RoomApps

139,658 下載

litmus_paper 1.6.1

Backend health tester for HA Services

139,563 下載

naranya_ecm-sdk 0.0.63

Cliente Ruby de NaranyaEcm para aplicaciones cliente.

138,577 下載

rack-block 0.2.0

A rack middleware for controlling accesses by search bot or not, remote ip address, etc.

137,392 下載

capybara-accessible 0.3.0

A Selenium based webdriver and Capybara extension that runs Google Accessibility Develo...

136,928 下載

scrappy 0.4.10

RDF web scraper

136,593 下載

sinatra_resource 0.4.24

A DSL for creating RESTful actions with Sinatra and MongoMapper. It embraces the Resour...

136,458 下載

wally 0.0.47

Cucumber feature viewer and navigator

136,373 下載

farmstead 0.0.87

Farmstead is a modular data pipeline platform. Farmstead makes creating and deploying a...

136,202 下載

總下載次數 266,975,221

這個版本 2,176,075



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.8
