RubyGems Navigation menu

sinatra 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sinatra

smashing 1.3.6

A framework for pulling together an overview of data that is important to your team and...

264,217 下載

garner 0.5.3

Garner is a cache layer for Ruby and Rack applications, supporting model and instance b...

259,799 下載

redis-stat 0.4.14

A real-time Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby

253,837 下載

redis-stat 0.4.14

A real-time Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby

253,837 下載

sinatra_auth_github 2.0.0

A sinatra extension for easy oauth integration with github

249,403 下載

pebblebed 0.4.11

Development tools for working with Pebblebed

249,149 下載

fake_dynamo 0.2.5

local hosted, inmemory fake dynamodb

243,529 下載

contrast-agent 7.6.1

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

243,305 下載

soaspec 0.3.11

Helps to create tests for 'SOAP' or 'REST' apis. Easily represent multiple requests wit...

241,420 下載

webfontloader 1.6.28

WebFont Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via `@font-face`. It pro...

240,136 下載

bookbindery 10.1.18

A command line utility to be run in Book repositories to stitch together their constitu...

238,361 下載

showoff 0.20.4

Showoff is a Sinatra web app that reads simple configuration files for a presentation...

237,757 下載

request_profiler 0.0.4

Request Profiler is a Rack middleware that allows optionally profiling requests with ru...

235,065 下載

killbill 9.4.1

Base classes to write plugins.

233,478 下載

request_interceptor 1.0.0

Sinatra based foreign API simulation

231,690 下載

opener-webservice 2.2.1

Basic webservice hooks for the OpeNER toolchain

229,009 下載

rollout_ui 0.3.0

A UI for James Golick's rollout gem

228,504 下載

http_stub 0.28.1

A service virtualization tool that encourages contract based tests in API consumers and...

226,544 下載

sinatra-jsonp 0.5.0

JSONP output helper for Sinatra

222,860 下載

em-hot_tub 1.1.0

EventMachine version of HotTub.

218,052 下載

classiccms 0.7.5

Webcms is a wrapper that automatigically will create a layer. It enables programmers to...

214,510 下載

connect-sdk-ruby 3.1.0

SDK to communicate with the Worldline Global Collect platform using the Worldline Conne...

213,399 下載

j1-template 2024.2.1

J1 Theme is a gem-based, clean, responsive and fully featured template made for Jekyll

211,759 下載

bridge_api 0.3.2

Ruby gem for interacting with the bridge API

210,649 下載

qless 0.12.0

`qless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with statist...

206,121 下載

omniauth-cognito-idp 0.1.1

Use the Amazon Cognito IdP with OmniAuth

203,843 下載


Milkode is line based local source code search engine. It have command line interface a...

195,026 下載

kookaburra 3.0.1

Cucumber + Capybara = Kookaburra? It made sense at the time.

193,091 下載

logical_model 0.7.6

LogicalModel allows to use a resource as a model. It is based on web presentation http:...

192,696 下載

webspicy 0.26.0

Webspicy helps testing web services as software operation black boxes

192,692 下載

總下載次數 266,526,155

這個版本 2,111,297



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.8
