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smashing 1.3.6

A framework for pulling together an overview of data that is important to your team and displaying it easily on TVs around the office. You write a bit of ruby code to gather data from some services and let Smashing handle the rest - displaying that data in a wonderfully simple layout. Built for developers and hackers, Smashing is highly customizable while maintaining humble roots that make it approachable to beginners.




  1. 1.3.6 December 08, 2022 (1.51 MB)
  2. 1.3.5 June 30, 2021 (1.51 MB)
  3. 1.3.4 March 06, 2021 (1.51 MB)
  4. 1.3.3 March 06, 2021 (1.51 MB)
  5. 1.3.2 February 26, 2021 (1.51 MB)
Show all versions (10 total)

Runtime Dependencies (10):

coffee-script ~> 2.4
execjs ~> 2.7
rack >= 2.2, < 4.0
sassc ~> 2.0
sinatra ~> 2.2
sprockets ~> 4.0
thin ~> 1.7
thor ~> 1.0

Development Dependencies (7):

fakeweb ~> 1.3.0
haml ~> 5.0.1
minitest ~> 5.10.2
mocha ~> 1.2.1
rack-test ~> 0.6.3
rake ~> 12.3.3
simplecov ~> 0.14.1


Pushed by:


  • Daniel Beauchamp

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 272,930

For this version 21,262

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
