Dépendances inversées pour simplecov-lcov Latest version of the following gems require simplecov-lcov
rubyzip 2.4.1
rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files
572 107 374 Téléchargements
ruby-saml 1.18.0
SAML Ruby toolkit. Add SAML support to your Ruby software using this library
103 848 880 Téléchargements
faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 1.0.1
Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4 using aws-sigv4.
94 034 176 Téléchargements
ssrf_filter 1.2.0
A gem that makes it easy to prevent server side request forgery (SSRF) attacks
67 774 788 Téléchargements
unleash 6.2.0
This is the ruby client for Unleash, a powerful feature toggle system that gives yo...
31 421 189 Téléchargements
omniauth_openid_connect 0.8.0
OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.
25 587 637 Téléchargements
imagen 0.2.0
Codebase as structure of locatable classes and methods based on the Ruby AST
23 867 662 Téléchargements
devise-security 0.18.0
An enterprise security extension for devise.
15 123 183 Téléchargements
ruby-dbus 0.24.0
Pure Ruby module for interaction with D-Bus IPC system
11 040 984 Téléchargements
cuke_modeler 3.24.0
This gem facilitates modeling a test suite that is written in Gherkin (e.g. Cucumber, S...
7 685 363 Téléchargements
easypost 6.4.1
Client library for accessing the EasyPost shipping API via Ruby.
6 282 090 Téléchargements
ridgepole 3.0.1
Ridgepole is a tool to manage DB schema. It defines DB schema using Rails DSL, and upda...
5 635 375 Téléchargements
anycable-rails 1.5.6
AnyCable integration for Rails
4 687 020 Téléchargements
statsig 2.3.1
Statsig server SDK for feature gates and experimentation in Ruby
4 206 778 Téléchargements
rubytree 2.1.1
RubyTree is a Ruby implementation of the generic tree data structure. It provides s...
3 457 617 Téléchargements
anycable-core 1.5.2
AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type (e.g., gRP...
3 370 325 Téléchargements
argon2 2.3.2
Argon2 FFI binding
2 688 750 Téléchargements
ar_lazy_preload 2.1.0
lazy_preload implementation for ActiveRecord models
2 435 198 Téléchargements
process_executer 2.0.0
An API for executing commands in a subprocess
1 895 058 Téléchargements
modware 1.0.2
A middleware library, featuring a simple interface and "callback" style semantics in th...
1 572 186 Téléchargements
qonfig 0.30.0
Config. Defined as a class. Used as an instance. Support for inheritance and compositio...
1 538 616 Téléchargements
ruby-lokalise-api 9.4.0
Opinionated Ruby client for the Lokalise platform API allowing to work with translation...
1 478 235 Téléchargements
zoom_rb 1.2.0
A Ruby API wrapper for zoom.us API
1 202 823 Téléchargements
cms_scanner 0.15.0
Framework to provide an easy way to implement CMS Scanners
1 057 679 Téléchargements
chatwork 1.0.1
ChatWork is cloud-based business chat tool
1 015 811 Téléchargements
ar-multidb 0.7.0
Multidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connection...
1 011 179 Téléchargements
apt-spy2 0.8.2
Keep your /etc/apt/sources.list up to date
939 483 Téléchargements
opt_parse_validator 1.10.1
Implementation of validators for the ruby OptionParser lib. Mainly used in the CMSScann...
931 815 Téléchargements
ruby-thumbor 4.0.2
ruby-thumbor is the client to the thumbor imaging service (http://github.com/thumbor/th...
780 846 Téléchargements
sidekiq-rate-limiter 0.2.0
Redis-backed, per-worker rate limits for job processing
750 827 Téléchargements