Dépendances inversées pour simple_form Latest version of the following gems require simple_form
manage 1.4.3
Rails backend
173 866 Téléchargements
tkh_content 0.10.10
A Rails engine running pages and blog posts in a CMS.
168 619 Téléchargements
curation_concerns 2.0.0
A Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")
166 326 Téléchargements
ab_admin 0.11.0
Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface
163 884 Téléchargements
has_vcards 1.1.2
vCard like contact and address models and helpers for Rails.
158 939 Téléchargements
rostra 0.3.6
Don't use. Not production ready
155 114 Téléchargements
sunrise-cms 1.1.1
Sunrise is a Open Source CMS
149 279 Téléchargements
contact_us 1.2.0
A Rails 3+ Engine providing a basic contact form. I used Formtastic to keep things sim...
149 222 Téléchargements
carnival 0.3.2
Carnival is an easy-to-use and extensible Rails Engine to speed the development of data...
145 870 Téléchargements
sbdevcore 0.3.10
144 957 Téléchargements
tkh_admin_panel 0.10
Admin panel layout engine
144 249 Téléchargements
adherent 0.3.13
Ajoute un modèle et des vues pour créer des adhérents
138 448 Téléchargements
judge-simple_form 1.1.0
Easily add Judge client side validation to your SimpleForm forms.
137 210 Téléchargements
clark_kent 0.11.3
Get an ad hoc report building UI for any model from your app that you configure for Cla...
134 309 Téléchargements
filter_form 0.8.4
Build filter forms easily
132 978 Téléchargements
udongo 7.9.0
Blimp CMS.
125 835 Téléchargements
anaconda 2.1.2
Dead simple file uploading to S3
121 220 Téléchargements
admin_interface 2.2.5
A Rails admin interface generator. Theme stolen from Redmine. Similar to web-app-theme ...
118 914 Téléchargements
admino 0.0.22
Make administrative views creation less repetitive
114 716 Téléchargements
A Rails engine for access control authentication customized for Ten Thousand Hours.
112 046 Téléchargements
hackathon_manager 0.14.1
Full-featured application for managing hackathon logistics
103 646 Téléchargements
gunnertechnology 0.1.9
The Gunner Technology gem contains much of the functionality we use from Rails project ...
102 902 Téléchargements
rao-service_controller 0.0.52.pre
Services Controller for Ruby on Rails.
102 703 Téléchargements
iugusdk 1.0.11
SDK for Iugu Platform Applications
102 197 Téléchargements
activa 0.0.14
Rails 3.1+ dynamic page management
101 850 Téléchargements
cmor_user_area 0.0.60.pre
CMOR User Area.
101 301 Téléchargements
enju_seed 0.3.6
Seed module for Next-L Enju
101 147 Téléchargements
A context aware Rails CMS engine using the Liquid template library. Use the 0.3.x ver...
98 784 Téléchargements
cmor_contact 0.0.60.pre
Cmor Contact Module.
98 540 Téléchargements
fat_free_crm 0.22.1
An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
95 457 Téléchargements