Dépendances inversées pour shoulda Latest version of the following gems require shoulda
sugarcrm 0.9.18
A less clunky way to interact with SugarCRM via REST.
162 813 Téléchargements
deadweight 0.2.2
A coverage tool for finding unused CSS
162 034 Téléchargements
data_table 0.4.15
Simple data preparation from AR/Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin
161 402 Téléchargements
pdf-merger 0.3.2
Merge multiple PDFs in to one using iText's PdfCopyFile.
160 886 Téléchargements
happening 0.2.5
An EventMachine based S3 client
160 203 Téléchargements
jumpstart 0.6.5
JumpStart is a script runner and template parser written in Ruby with Ruby projects in ...
159 447 Téléchargements
delayed_job_shallow_mongoid 1.2.0
When the object or arg to a delayed_job is a Mongoid document, store only a small stub ...
158 852 Téléchargements
kelredd-resourceful 0.8.3
A ruby gem to abstract web resource handling.
155 602 Téléchargements
fnordmetric 1.2.9
FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids
153 904 Téléchargements
campaign_cash 2.9.2
A client for The New York Times Campaign Finance API
153 231 Téléchargements
sitemap-parser 0.5.6
Ruby Gem to parse sitemaps.org compliant sitemaps.
152 526 Téléchargements
rainforest 2.1.0
Rainforest automates your functional and integration testing with our QA-as-a-Service API.
151 703 Téléchargements
atlassian-stash 0.7.0
Provides convenient functions for interacting with Bitbucket Server through the command...
151 126 Téléchargements
web47core 3.2.20
Core components used in all our web products.
151 041 Téléchargements
feedbag 1.0.0
Ruby's favorite feed auto-discovery tool
148 224 Téléchargements
cubicle 0.5.2
Cubicle provides a dsl and aggregation caching framework for automating the generation,...
145 150 Téléchargements
kelredd-useful 0.4.2
A collection of useful helpers for various ruby things.
145 061 Téléchargements
nutella_framework 0.9.2
utella is a framework to create and run RoomApps
144 575 Téléchargements
enumerated_field 1.2.0
EnumeratedField is a library that provides some nice methods when a string column is us...
143 872 Téléchargements
csv_pirate 5.0.9
CsvPirate is the easy way to create a CSV of essentially anything in Ruby, in full pira...
143 806 Téléchargements
capistrano-node-deploy 1.2.14
Capistrano recipes for deploying node apps
140 106 Téléchargements
best_boy 3.5.0
Hybrid action logging, consisting of standard and custom logging.
139 476 Téléchargements
spud_blog 1.0.2
Spud blogging/news and rss engine.
139 376 Téléchargements
landslider 0.5.28
Landslider is a ruby interface to the Landslide SOAP-based API
135 727 Téléchargements
rack-oauth2-server 2.8.1
Because you don't allow strangers into your app, and OAuth 2.0 is the new awesome.
134 773 Téléchargements
no_notifier_needed 2.4.5
A work in progress: Replace ActionMailer::Base class redundency. Temlating using haml o...
134 069 Téléchargements
boomi-ruby 0.4.0
Supports the Boomi REST Webservice
133 090 Téléchargements
imprint 1.5.0
A gem to help improve logging. Focused on request tracing and cross app tracing.
132 366 Téléchargements
charcoal 2.8.0
Helps you support JSONP and CORS in your Rails app
131 238 Téléchargements
hydraulic_brake 0.2.0
Sends notifications to an Airbrake server
130 633 Téléchargements