RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour shoulda Latest version of the following gems require shoulda


Upload image use gallery

60 616 Téléchargements

yui-on-rails 0.1.16

Quite a few helpers for yui.

60 571 Téléchargements

topsy 1.0.1

Wrapper for the Topsy API

60 280 Téléchargements

crb 1.0.1

A cucumber console that offers cucumber world enviroment on irb

60 093 Téléchargements

simple_model_translations 0.2.8

Simple ActiveRecord translations for Rails 3

59 834 Téléchargements

muck-oauth 0.2.4

A simple wrapper for the oauth and oauth-plugin gems so that it is faster to include oa...

59 584 Téléchargements

seedbed 1.1.1

Manage seeds in individual files in db/seeds/

59 426 Téléchargements


It scrape movies and mylists of Niconico douga.

59 294 Téléchargements

moneybook 0.3.1

keep track of money in a group

59 287 Téléchargements

meta-spotify 0.3.3

A ruby wrapper for the Spotify Metadata API. See https://devel...

58 989 Téléchargements

resizor 1.0.2

Lets you easily interface with the REST API. Includes Rails helpers.

58 598 Téléchargements

tagged_logger 0.5.6

Detaches _what_ is logged from _how_ it is logged

58 568 Téléchargements

simplest_auth 0.3.1

Simple implementation of authentication for Rails

58 541 Téléchargements

pry-padrino 0.1.2

A Padrino wrapper that helps integrate the IRB alternative Pry.

58 494 Téléchargements

moesif_unirest 1.1.6

Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library

58 431 Téléchargements

lifeboat 0.6.3

sends messages to SQS

58 288 Téléchargements

redis-persistence 0.1.0

Simple ActiveModel-compatible persistence layer in Redis

57 996 Téléchargements

homeflow_api 1.0.3

A gem for dealing the homeflow api

57 963 Téléchargements

spud_inquiries 1.0.1

This gem allows you to build forms for user submission and can send email notifications...

57 809 Téléchargements


Delayed Job Dashboard

57 532 Téléchargements

active_scaffold-sequel 0.8.0

The original ActiveScaffold supports Rails ( with it's native O...

57 500 Téléchargements

espinita 0.0.9

Audit activerecord models like a boss

57 342 Téléchargements

fastq-factory 0.1.16

This tool can process fastq files, using fastq_quality_trimmer and quake to correct fas...

57 312 Téléchargements

email_veracity 0.6.0

Email Veracity abstracts an email address into a series of objects which makes it easy ...

57 283 Téléchargements

nephele 0.1.16

Light administration utility for popular cloud services

57 129 Téléchargements

dm-validations-i18n 0.3.10

Localize error messages in dm-validations.

56 986 Téléchargements

padrino-routing 0.5.0

Enhances padrino with a named route mapping system allowing for advanced routes

56 959 Téléchargements

xebec 2.7.0

Helpers for generating navigation bars

56 954 Téléchargements

rusen 0.1.0

RUby Simple Exception Notification (a.k.a. rusen) as it names indicates is a ...

56 872 Téléchargements

oasis 0.5.4

a collection of enhancements for rails engines. Designed to work with Rails 2.3.

56 624 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 34 046 567

Pour cette version 17 598 714

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
