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sauce 3.7.2

[DEPRECATED] A Ruby helper for running tests in Sauce Labs' browser testing cloud service. #[DEPRECATED] Sauce Labs does not recommend this gem. It will not receive further development or support.

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  1. 3.7.2 - October 24, 2016 (41 KB)
  2. 3.7.1 - February 10, 2016 (40.5 KB)
  3. 3.7.0 - January 20, 2016 (40.5 KB)
  4. 3.5.11 - September 29, 2015 (40.5 KB)
  5. 3.5.10 - September 28, 2015 (40 KB)
Show all versions (127 total)

Runtime Dependencies (11):

childprocess >= 0.1.6
cmdparse >= 2.0.2
highline >= 1.5.0
json >= 1.2.0
net-ssh >= 0
parallel_tests <= 1.3.7, >= 1.1.1
sauce_whisk ~> 0.0.11

Development Dependencies (5):

capybara >= 2.2.1
redcarpet >= 0
rspec ~> 2.14.0
simplecov >= 0
yard >= 0



  • Dylan Lacey, Steven Hazel, R. Tyler Croy, Santiago Suarez Ordoñez, Eric Allen, Sean Grove, Isaac Murchie

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 1,498,417

For this version 247,810


Apache 2.0

Required Ruby Version: >= 0
