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rubygems-tasks 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubygems-tasks

ffi-extractor 0.1.1

Ruby FFI bindings to libextractor, a library for extracting metadata from a variety of ...

7,544 下載

mongoload 0.0.3

Automatic Mongoid eager loading

7,524 下載

json2xxx 0.4.0

json to variety of formats

7,378 下載

sand 0.1.2

A ruby gem for authorization for use in sinatra/rack applications. Code mostly stolen f...

7,360 下載

rcgtk 3.5.1

The Ruby Code Generation Toolkit provides classes for generating LLVM IR and native obj...

7,345 下載

roda-live_reload 0.2.0

Live reloading for Roda

7,317 下載

rubyhook 0.2.1

maps a http path to an system command

7,206 下載

reqsample 0.0.4

Generate somewhat-realistic sample HTTP traffic.

7,105 下載

network_utils 0.1.3

A set of utils to get URL info before downloading a resource, work with ports, etc.

7,065 下載

mpvlib 0.4

mpvlib provides Ruby bindings to the MPV media player, via libmpv.

7,031 下載

whatlang 0.1.6

Ruby bindings for Whatlang, a natural language detection for Rust.

6,970 下載

time_boots 0.0.2

TimeBoots is small, no-dependencies library attemting to make time steps easier. It...

6,902 下載

arison 0.2.0

activerecord-import by jsonl, command line interface

6,861 下載

codemodels-ruby 0.1.6

Plugin of codemodels to build models from Ruby code. See

6,826 下載

downager 0.1.2

Work in progress

6,688 下載

sinatra-filtering_parameters 0.1.1

This adds filter to use only those parameters that are allowed to a Sinatra application.

6,640 下載

search_path 0.0.2

Allows to define search paths to find files in.

6,554 下載

toy 0.1.2


6,534 下載

networkx 0.4.0

A Ruby implemenation of the well-known graph library called "networkx".

6,533 下載

weighted_shuffle 0.2.0

An extension to the Fisher-Yates-Shuffle algorithm to support weights. It includes a ...

6,505 下載

roda-mailer_ext 0.2.1

This plugin adds some extensions to the Roda mailer plugin, specifically the ability ...

6,476 下載

rg 0.1.2

A way to integrate AngularJS into a Rails project using CoffeeScript and Bower.

6,437 下載

artifactory_api 0.1.5

A client to the artifactory rest api

6,425 下載

redis-objects-model 1.0.1

The simplest possible model for redis-objects

6,417 下載

aerospike-rails-support 0.1.1

Provide Aerospike Sub Storage Service for Rails as cache and session store

6,389 下載

jendle 0.1.2

Jenkins as code management tool.

6,364 下載


A drop-in library to test stripe without hitting their servers

6,341 下載

fluent-plugin-exec_cron 0.0.3

executes external programs with cron syntax.

6,299 下載

crosslanguagespotter 0.0.3

Automatic Spotter of Cross-Language references

6,296 下載

bitmapped 0.2.0

Bitmap CLI program

6,253 下載

總下載次數 408,663

這個版本 23,501



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
