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rubocop-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

Kaseya_Ruby_Codestyles 1.1.1

Kaseya Ruby style guides and shared style configs.

2,144 下载

boost-styles 0.1.2

Centralised gem for all Boost styles configuration (Rubocop, ESLint etc...)

2,100 下载

remote-I18n-extension-hcc 1.0.5

Support remote fetching of locales

2,069 下载

cavendish 0.1.0

React Native + Expo project generator for Platanus

2,041 下载

db2_session 0.1.0

A Rails 5 & Rails 6 plugin for handling Db2 API request by using JWT token.

2,033 下载

sbmt-kafka_producer 3.1.0

This gem is used for producing Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Waterdrop g...

1,997 下载

hl_ruby_style 0.1.0

Homelight Shared Ruby Style Guides

1,933 下载

puzzle-apartment 2.12.0

Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord

1,924 下载

rubocop-emotionsar 1.0.0

Provides basic configuration for rubocop to be used in Ruby on Rails projects. It a...

1,902 下载

acts_as_graph_diagram 0.1.1

Extends Active Record to add simple function for draw the Force Directed Graph with html.

1,862 下载

timeline_rails_helper 0.1.1

Provides a timeline_molecules_tag helper to draw a vertical time line usable with vanil...

1,853 下载

easy_exports 0.1.2

Simplify the way you fetch model data, making coding smoother and data exporting handli...

1,707 下载

rails-lint 1.0.4

k0va1's rubocop template for Rails projects

1,686 下载

rubocop-cargosense 3.0.0

Reusable RuboCop configuration for CargoSense's Ruby projects.

1,632 下载

active_partition 0.7.0

Applying partition with flexible and risk-free by auto generate partitioned tables, man...

1,582 下载

m3ta 0.1.1

Define meta tags in your Rails app in defaults, i18n locales, controllers and views.

1,576 下载

devise_auth0 1.2.1

Auth0 authentication for devise

1,549 下载

omniauth-nft 0.1.0

OmniAuth strategy for authenticating via NFT ownership

1,464 下载

templaty 0.1.0

Rails template generator.

1,410 下载

sequra-style 1.2.0

Sequra code style guides and shared config

1,357 下载

sequenced_mailer 0.2.1

Send emails at a specific time, in sequence

1,327 下载

rubocop-cache-ventures 1.2.0

Cache Ventures RuboCop config.

1,279 下载

exekutor 0.1.2

PostgreSQL backed active job adapter which uses `LISTEN/NOTIFY` to listen for jobs and ...

1,257 下载

service_objects_rails 0.1.0

A lightweight, high-speed service layer for Rails applications

1,241 下载

proxly 0.1.3

Easily serve JS and CSS using javascript_link_tag and stylesheet_link_tag over a ngrok ...

1,198 下载

drippings 1.0.1

Rails extension for scheduling drip campaigns

1,129 下载

rush_job_mongoid 1.2.0

Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine and MongoDB

1,120 下载

resource_quotable 0.3.0

Flexible quota system for resources.

1,105 下载

rubocop-rails-kotai 1.0.4

Kotai Ruby styling for Rails

1,099 下载

pludoni-rubocop 1.48.0

Shared company Rubocop

1,096 下载

下载总量 168,246,401

这个版本 415,710




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
