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Dépendances inversées pour rubocop-faker Latest version of the following gems require rubocop-faker

decidim-dev 0.28.0

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

227 561 Téléchargements

boxt_ruby_style_guide 9.4.2

Ruby style guide info for BOXT projects, as well as config settings for Rubocop

123 027 Téléchargements

evostream-event 2.0.3

Manipulate event evostream and send actions to evostream server.

117 717 Téléchargements

rubocop-nosolosoftware 1.18.0

Default Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments

69 591 Téléchargements

boxt_rubocop 2.5.0

Base Rubocop settings for all Boxt Ruby projects

59 684 Téléchargements

mongoid-enum-dazzl 1.0.1

Heavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help ...

47 756 Téléchargements

validates_timeliness-mongoid 5.0.1

ValidatesTimeliness mongoid ORM compatability.

28 752 Téléchargements

shotgun_api_ruby 0.1.1

Gem to facilitate the interaction with Shotgun's REST API.

25 438 Téléchargements

smokeclouds-rubocop 0.1.6

A kept up-to-date rubocop configuration from an experienced ruby dev

10 622 Téléchargements


Omniauth oauth2 strategy to connect to

10 577 Téléchargements

active_shotgun 0.0.4

Allow using a Shotgun site as a DB for Active Model objects.

7 473 Téléchargements

nonstandard 0.1.4

Opinionated Style Guide

5 272 Téléchargements

decidim-cache_cleaner 1.0.4

A decidim cache cleaner module

4 845 Téléchargements

simple-images-downloader 1.1.1

simple-images-downloader allows to download images from a file containing list of urls ...

4 805 Téléchargements

bonobot 0.1.1

Description of Bonobot.

3 739 Téléchargements

house_test 0.1.1

Test system for demonstrating CRUD in API and UI testing.

3 637 Téléchargements

rubocop-csa 0.0.2

Provides a centralized location for CSA's commonly used RuboCop overrides.

3 529 Téléchargements

assistant 0.0.2

Simple, composable services

2 755 Téléchargements

genesis_ruby 0.1.6

Ruby Client for Genesis Payment Processing Gateway

2 239 Téléchargements

rubocop-inspire 0.0.1

Inspire Ruby Style Guide

2 189 Téléchargements

standard-faker 0.1.4

A Standard plugin that adds rubocop-faker specific rules to Standard.

1 374 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 9 657 259

Pour cette version 8 469 013



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.0
