rubocop-capybaraの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はrubocop-capybaraを必要としています
cucumber 9.2.1
Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy
83,763,046 ダウンロード数
gitlab-styles 13.1.0
GitLab style guides and shared style configs.
35,183,958 ダウンロード数
pusher-fake 6.0.0
A fake Pusher server for development and testing.
7,456,749 ダウンロード数
blacklight 8.8.4
Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
1,459,491 ダウンロード数
simplycop 2.13.2
Require this gem in your application to use Simply Business common rubocop rules.
918,450 ダウンロード数
rubocop-discourse 3.12.1
Custom rubocop cops used by Discourse
755,409 ダウンロード数
rubocop-govuk 5.0.10
Shared RuboCop rules for Ruby projects in GOV.UK
712,801 ダウンロード数
blacklight-spotlight 4.7.1
Enable librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to ...
333,169 ダウンロード数
decidim-dev 0.29.2
Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim
265,895 ダウンロード数
A set of rubocop settings used in my own projects.Support for: vanilla ruby, rspec, rails.
237,454 ダウンロード数
mihari 8.1.0
A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
198,240 ダウンロード数
scc-codestyle 0.7.0
SCC style guides and shared style configs.
140,046 ダウンロード数
makandra-rubocop 16.0.0
A relaxed set of default Rubocop settings to use across makandra projects.
135,788 ダウンロード数
lifen-ruby-style 1.5.0
Lifen style guides and shared style configs.
84,880 ダウンロード数
lyber-core 7.7.0
Contains classes to make http connections with a client-cert, use Jhove, and call Suri ...
83,666 ダウンロード数
nxt_cop 2.6.0
Getsafe shared Rubocop.
78,152 ダウンロード数
rubocop-nosolosoftware 1.18.0
Default Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments
76,848 ダウンロード数
yoshiki 10.0.0
Dev Fu! Style for rubocop.
65,125 ダウンロード数
caliber 0.76.0
A global, high quality, and constantly updated RuboCop configuration.
60,414 ダウンロード数
rubocop-codeur 0.10.0
Shared rubocop config gem for every Ruby projects at Codeur SARL
57,565 ダウンロード数
netsoft-rubocop 1.1.9
Hubstaff style guides and shared style configs.
47,908 ダウンロード数
nucop 0.13.1
Nulogy's implementation of RuboCop, including custom cops and additional tooling.
44,162 ダウンロード数
publify_core 10.0.2
Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.
35,627 ダウンロード数
niftany 0.12.0
Combining "nittany" and "nifty" into one, super-nice gem that lints all our code at once.
29,252 ダウンロード数
rubocop_plus 2.17.0
Enhancements to the standard rubocop gem.
24,259 ダウンロード数
rubocop-rickselby 0.53.0
Code styling for my projects
18,664 ダウンロード数
talkable-style 1.2025.0205
Talkable style guides and shared style configs.
18,663 ダウンロード数
rubocop-katalyst 2.2.0
Code standards for Katalyst
17,022 ダウンロード数
rubocul 4.0.12
Recommended Rubocop configuration for Ruby projects created by the Columbia University ...
14,913 ダウンロード数
ergomentum_rubocop 0.17.1
Rubocop style checking for ERGOMENTUM projects.
14,455 ダウンロード数