RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for rsync Latest version of the following gems require rsync

librarian-puppet 5.0.0

Simplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...

5,554,778 下載

beaker 5.8.0

Puppet's accceptance testing harness

4,318,088 下載

rbfs 1.0.17

Ruby File Sync

60,748 下載

paraduct 1.0.1

Paraduct(parallel + parameterize + product) is matrix test runner

59,715 下載

dutiful 1.0.1

Dotfiles manager

31,410 下載

ruby-jdict 0.0.9

Ruby gem for accessing Jim Breen's Japanese dictionaries

15,571 下載

mirrorworks 0.2.1

A file and directory synchronizer tool that wraps rsync

12,966 下載

librarian-puppet-pr328 2.2.4

NOTE: This is a temporary gem. It is a workaround for rodjek/librarian-puppet PR #328....

9,064 下載

sensu_generator 1.0.0

Generate sensu check configurations within consul state.

8,586 下載

directory_push 0.0.4

DirectoryPush: Push file changes to a remote server.

7,465 下載

sbcp 0.2.3

SBCP is a Starbound server management solution for Linux.

5,105 下載

devlogs 1.1.1

Create, manage and sync developer project logs

5,054 下載

rack-rsync 0.2.0

A rack middleware to sync files using rsync.

5,046 下載

pfpux 0.1.1

Project File Publisher using XML (PFPuX) helps publish your project file directory to a...

4,902 下載

dreamhost-personal-backup 0.1.0

Provides functionality to perform personal backups (on Linux or OSX) to a Dreamhost per...

3,694 下載

bitswarmbox 1.0.0.pre18

boxes takes the complexity out of building custom Vagrant boxes. It's a command li...

3,676 下載

anthill-librarian-puppet 3.0.0

Simplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...

2,262 下載


Simplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...

1,265 下載

總下載次數 8,234,949

這個版本 8,199,202



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
