RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-collection_matchers La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-collection_matchers

asin 3.0.0

Amazon Simple INterface - Support for ItemLookup, SimilarityLookup, Search, BrowseNode ...

158.386 Descargas

pii_safe_schema 1.4.4

Schema migration tool for checking and adding comments on PII columns.

156.855 Descargas

puppet-lint-concatenated_template_files-check 0.1.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure all template functions expand a single file, rather t...

156.296 Descargas

blogit 1.1.2

Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine

154.587 Descargas

kafkat 0.3.0

Simplified command-line administration for Kafka brokers

149.516 Descargas

activerecord-turntable 4.4.1

ActiveRecord sharding extension

147.744 Descargas

saxlsx 1.11.0

Fast xlsx reader on top of Ox SAX parser

131.481 Descargas

abiquo-chef-agent 2.0.11

Abiquo Chef Agent

125.017 Descargas

ls-trace 0.2.0

ls-trace is LightStep's fork of Datadog’s tracing client for Ruby. It is used to trace ...

109.608 Descargas

table_cloth 0.4.3

Table Cloth helps you create tables easily.

108.503 Descargas

puppet-lint-fileserver-check 1.2.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check if puppet:/// is used instead of file().

106.254 Descargas

mongify 1.3.2

Mongify allows you to map your sql data into a mongodb document database with a simple ...

103.403 Descargas

activerecord-tablefree 3.1.8

ActiveRecord Tablefree Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...

101.689 Descargas

puppet-lint-yumrepo_gpgcheck_enabled-check 0.0.2

A puppet-lint extension that ensures yumrepo resources have the gpgcheck attribute ...

100.734 Descargas

android_parser 2.6.0

Static analysis tool for android apk since 2021

99.437 Descargas

sequent 7.0.0

Sequent is a CQRS and event sourcing framework for Ruby.

99.083 Descargas

slim_form_object 3.3.12

Very simple automatic generation and saving nested attributes of models from html form....

97.703 Descargas

element_factory 0.1.4

Element Factory is a more object oriented approach to generating markup.

96.453 Descargas

puppet-lint-uncuddled_else-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files do not have uncuddled else blocks.

95.526 Descargas

pose 3.2.0

Pose ('Polymorphic Search') allows fulltext search for ActiveRecord objects.

93.625 Descargas

puppet-lint-empty_lines_around_body-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check for empty lines around the body of blocks.

93.478 Descargas

fuel 0.4.10

Fuel's goal is to be a simple yet customizable blogging gem.

91.689 Descargas

puppet-lint-no_cron_resources-check 1.0.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure no cron resources are contained in the catalog.

90.852 Descargas

rollbar-api 0.4.1

Rubygem for accessing Rollbar's full REST and RQL APIs.

88.589 Descargas

serial_translator 2.0.5

Translate attribute values without additional models

88.364 Descargas

ci_reporter_cucumber 1.0.2

Connects CI::Reporter to Cucumber

81.701 Descargas

puppet-lint-empty_trailing_lines 1.0.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifest files do not end with extra empty lines

81.258 Descargas

blacklight-oembed 1.1.1

Oembed display for Blacklight

78.232 Descargas

openehr 1.2.999999

This project is an implementation of the openEHR specification on Ruby.

78.168 Descargas

rules 1.1.1

Rules engine that allows you to add customizable business rules to any ActiveRecord model.

72.586 Descargas

Total de descargas 36.261.527

Para esta versión 1.638.278



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
