Dépendances inversées pour rmagick Latest version of the following gems require rmagick
Manage your model images with RMagick and CarrierWave
46 419 Téléchargements
jekyll-gallery-generator 1.2.4
Generate galleries with thumbnails for your Jekyll site.
46 255 Téléchargements
acbaker 2.0.1
This gem allows easy conversion and management of xcode asset catalogs.
44 829 Téléchargements
pdfbeads 1.1.3
PDFBeads is a small utility written in Ruby which takes scanned page images and con...
44 737 Téléchargements
hit_counter 1.0.5
Why roast this chestnut by that open fire, you ask? Cause thousands and thousands of In...
44 707 Téléchargements
magic_cloud 0.0.5
Simple, pure-ruby library for making pretty Wordle-like clouds. It uses RMagick as ...
43 983 Téléchargements
asciiart 0.3.0
A command line tool to turn images into ASCII art
43 255 Téléchargements
assetable 0.3.1
Dead simple asset uploader attachments for your active record models
41 312 Téléchargements
traptcha 0.0.13
Captcha generator for rails
41 196 Téléchargements
jeremyboles-graffic 0.3.5
Graffic is an ActiveRecord class that helps you work with and attach images to other Ac...
40 874 Téléchargements
command_wrap 0.6.2
A set of utility classes to extract meta data from different file types
40 806 Téléchargements
lol_multiple_uploads 2.0.5
You must create one account at https://www.inkfilepicker.com/ for use this gem
40 142 Téléchargements
easyimg_utils 0.7.4
Makes manipulating images from 1 line of code easier.
39 353 Téléchargements
bizside 3.0.7
Bizside is an utilities to assist building web application.
39 071 Téléchargements
emojidex-converter 0.4.1
Adds the convert method to Emojidex::Collection and Emojidex::Emoji, which\ ...
38 290 Téléchargements
fleximage 1.0.4
Fleximage is a Rails plugin that tries to make image uploading and rendering super easy.
37 834 Téléchargements
pig-media-server 10000000
Pig Media Server
36 989 Téléchargements
sequence_logo 1.3.3
SequenceLogo is a tool for drawing sequence logos of motifs. It gets Positional Count M...
36 963 Téléchargements
smartimage 0.0.4
SmartImage provides a cross-platform solution for image compositing that works on both ...
36 688 Téléchargements
apache_image_resizer 0.0.9
Apache module providing image resizing functionality.
36 133 Téléchargements
machine_learning_workbench 0.8.0
This workbench holds a collection of machine learning methods in Ruby. Rather than spec...
35 793 Téléchargements
smartcropper 0.7.1
Crops images based on entropy: leaving the most interesting part intact. Usefull for au...
35 627 Téléchargements
image8 0.3.7
dynamic image resizing.
35 567 Téléchargements
feed_processor_utils 0.1.4
utility classes to work with feeds
35 113 Téléchargements
nakal 1.0.4
Automated visual regression testing of android and ios apps with appium , calabash or a...
34 879 Téléchargements
pdf_cover 0.3.2
Provides processors for both Carrierwave and Paperclip to allow ...
34 715 Téléchargements
gpx2exif 0.3.1
Mass geotagger using GPX files.
33 415 Téléchargements
selfiegram 0.0.13
Take mad selfies!
33 336 Téléchargements
quilt 0.1.0
A Ruby library for generating identicon. https://github.com/swdyh/quilt
32 053 Téléchargements
imagetools 1.8.0
Image Tools.
31 960 Téléchargements