Dépendances inversées pour rgeo Latest version of the following gems require rgeo
rgeo-activerecord 8.0.0
RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...
18 930 302 Téléchargements
makara 0.5.1
Read-write split your DB yo
14 059 467 Téléchargements
rgeo-geojson 2.2.0
Convert RGeo data to and from GeoJSON. rgeo-geojson is an extension to the rgeo gem tha...
8 539 913 Téléchargements
rgeo-shapefile 3.1.0
RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::Shapefile is an optional RGeo module ...
3 008 648 Téléchargements
rgeo-proj4 4.0.0
Proj4 extension for rgeo.
935 615 Téléchargements
data-anonymization 0.9.1
Data anonymization tool for RDBMS and MongoDB databases
638 241 Téléchargements
activerecord-mysql2rgeo-adapter 7.2.0
ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, and ...
527 556 Téléchargements
mls 1.9.0
Ruby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS
437 157 Téléchargements
armg 0.11.0
Add MySQL geometry type to Active Record.
166 997 Téléchargements
sunstone 8.0.1
A library for interacting with REST APIs. Similar to ActiveResource
142 092 Téléchargements
gb_mapfish_appserver 2.0.0
Mapfish Appserver is a framework for web mapping applications using OGC standards and t...
89 835 Téléchargements
arel-extensions 8.0.2
Adds support for missing SQL operators and functions to Arel
87 866 Téléchargements
rgeoserver 0.10.1
GeoServer REST API Ruby library
74 948 Téléchargements
cartodb-importer 0.2.19
Import CSV, SHP, and other files with data into a PostgreSQL table
73 043 Téléchargements
search_solr_tools 7.2.1
Ruby translators to transform various metadata feeds into solr documents and a comm...
68 633 Téléchargements
charta 0.4.0
Simple tool over geos and co
63 010 Téléchargements
rgeo-kml 0.0.1
RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::Kml is an optional RGeo module provid...
46 824 Téléchargements
georuby-ext 0.0.5
Use together GeoRuby, Rgeo, Geokit, Proj4j (and others)
34 984 Téléchargements
cartodb-rb-client 0.4.3
Allows quick and easy connection to the cartodb API.
33 367 Téléchargements
geo_graf 1.0.2
Calculates the relations between overlapping polygons
29 410 Téléchargements
the_geom_geojson 0.1.3
Web mapping libraries like Leaflet often don't support PostGIS's native Well-Known Bina...
27 631 Téléchargements
mongoid_location 0.3.5
mongoid_location simplifies mongoid geo location calculations, experimental Mongoid 3.0...
16 035 Téléchargements
postgres_ext-postgis 0.0.6
Adding support for PostGIS types and clean PostGIS querying extensions to ActiveRecord
15 731 Téléchargements
rp_clustering-rgeo-activerecord 0.0.4
A RGeo PostGIS extension to provide Active Record (Model) clustering functionality
12 194 Téléchargements
rgeo-ar 0.7.1
RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...
11 590 Téléchargements
underpass 0.0.7
A library that makes it easy to query the Overpass API and translate its responses into...
11 533 Téléchargements
ReverseGeo 0.2.3
A gem for reverse geocoding lat/lng pairs into a 3 letter ISO country code, fully in-me...
10 765 Téléchargements
geohydra 0.3.3
Geospatial MetaData ToolKit for use in a GeoHydra head
9 591 Téléchargements
apdm 0.0.16
A collection of APDM local paper-related things.
8 562 Téléchargements
restivus-gis 0.0.4
Restivus eats CSV,SHP,KML files and spits out fully-documented RESTful endpoints.
7 276 Téléchargements