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Dependencias inversas para resque La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren resque

resque-rate_limited_queue 1.2.0

A Resque plugin which allows you to create dedicated queues for jobs that use rate limi...

24.607 Descargas

mapredus 0.0.6

simple mapreduce framework using redis and resque

24.574 Descargas

thehenster-resque-scheduler 1.0.12

Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...

24.445 Descargas

mason-server 0.0.5

builds things

24.260 Descargas

fileclip 0.3.1

A FilePicker / PaperClip mashup. Use Filepicker for uploads and paperclip to process t...

23.917 Descargas

resque-remote-namespace 1.0.0

Remotely enqueueing and dequeueing jobs across Redis namespaces should be simpler. ...

23.082 Descargas

resque-async-method 1.1

Make Active Record instance methods asynchronous using resque.

22.932 Descargas

resque-cloudwatch-monitor 0.1.0

Allows reporting failures of resque jobs to Amazon CloudWatch

22.736 Descargas

king_soa 0.0.6

Creating a SOA requires a centralized location to define all services within the SOA. K...

22.687 Descargas

chasqui 1.0.0

Chasqui adds persistent publish-subscribe (pub-sub) messaging capabilities to Sidekiq a...

22.297 Descargas

resque-kawai 0.1.6

Syntax sugar for Resque consumers. Each consumer is a class, with clean interface, and ...

21.897 Descargas

nagios_check_resque 1.2.0

Nagios plugin to check Resque queue sizes.

21.134 Descargas

achievable 0.0.2

This provides achievement features for rails app.

20.689 Descargas

serially 0.4.3

Have you ever had a class whose instances required a series of background tasks to run ...

20.391 Descargas

flamingo 0.4.0

Flamingo makes it easy to wade through the Twitter Streaming API by handling all c...

20.199 Descargas

vinted-resque-metrics 0.0.15

A simple Resque plugin that times and saves some simple metrics for Resque jobs back in...

19.967 Descargas

onyx-resque-retry 0.1.5

resque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...

19.916 Descargas

spree_batch_capture 0.1.5

Adds batch processing to Spree. Includes batch capture and batch export of orders.

18.850 Descargas

governor_background 0.3.0

A middle-tier plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system, allowing you to ti...

18.618 Descargas

ribbon-event_bus 0.5.1

An asynchronous event bus for Ruby.

18.544 Descargas

resque_extensions 0.0.6

An extension to Resque that makes it act more like Delayed::Job

18.532 Descargas

smokesignal 0.1.5

Posts the resque failure messages to campfire

18.405 Descargas

resque-pagerduty 0.1.1

resque-pagerduty provides a Resque failure backend that triggers a Pagerduty incident...

18.102 Descargas

resque-integration 3.8.2

Seamless integration of resque with resque-progress and resque-lock

17.703 Descargas

mongoid_paperclip_queue 0.1.4

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background using Mongoid and Resque. Loosely ...

17.664 Descargas

resque-send-later 0.1.0

A Resque plugin. Implements an approximation of DelayedJob's send_later on resque. Has ...

17.551 Descargas

resque-serializer 0.2.0

Ensures that only one Resque job with unique arguments is running at a time.

17.256 Descargas

ui_changed 0.0.6

Rails plugin for crawling domains for detecting differences in the UI

17.240 Descargas

fluent-plugin-resque_stat 0.0.5

Fluent input plugin for Resque info

16.974 Descargas

contentful-scheduler 0.6.0

Customizable Scheduler for Contentful Entries.

16.237 Descargas

Total de descargas 42.471.026

Para esta versión 1.120.389



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.3.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
