RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para reek La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren reek

gretel-jsonld 0.2.0

gretel-jsonld enables gretel gem to handle JSON-LD based breadcrumbs.

76.555 Descargas


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

74.120 Descargas

apidragon 1.8.0

Ruby based CLI for accessing veracode's api

73.790 Descargas

ashikawa-core 0.14.0

Ashikawa Core is a wrapper around the ArangoDB REST API. It provides low level access a...

73.292 Descargas

active_validation 5.1.0

Validate commonly used attributes easily with ActiveValidation.

71.836 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_email_address_validation 3.0.0

Email address validation using RFC 822 pattern matching regular expressions

71.624 Descargas

helpscout 0.0.5

HelpScout API Wrapper

71.421 Descargas

smartsheet 2.101.1

This is an SDK to simplify connecting to the Smartsheet API (http://www.smartsheet....

70.906 Descargas

veracodecli 1.1.0

Ruby based CLI for accessing veracode's api

70.761 Descargas

ph_model 1.2.0

Because why do less if you can do more with non db models

70.528 Descargas

fibonacci_rng 2.0.3

A Fibonacci inspired pseudo random number generator with error detection.

66.784 Descargas

mail_engine 0.1.15

Rails system mail management solution.

64.901 Descargas

warder 0.3.4

Warder of ruby code

64.220 Descargas

gakubuchi 1.4.0

Gakubuchi provides a simple way to manage static pages with Asset Pipeline.

62.642 Descargas

circuits 0.12.1

Express logical circuits in code

62.579 Descargas

abank 0.7.0

Arquiva movimentos conta-corrente, conta-cartao do activobank no bigquery. Permite apag...

62.571 Descargas

immortal 3.1.0

Typical paranoid gem built for Rails 4 and with the minimum code needed to satisfy acts...

61.865 Descargas

dm-rspec 0.3.0

RSpec matchers for DataMapper

60.844 Descargas

active_report 5.4.0

Export or import data from multiple input formats such as arrays, hashes, and active re...

60.829 Descargas

streambot 1.0.1

a simple gem that tracks several keywords via twitter streaming api and re-publish it o...

58.225 Descargas

rusen 0.1.0

RUby Simple Exception Notification (a.k.a. rusen) as it names indicates is a ...

56.766 Descargas

sinclair 2.1.1

Gem for easy concern creation

56.464 Descargas

edouard-metric_fu 1.2.1

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task a...

55.856 Descargas

active_orm 5.1.0

ORM for non-supported databases.

55.029 Descargas

Tamar 0.7.18

A package of the RubyLuaBridge library, which includes Lua and relevant libraries. You ...

54.264 Descargas

active_regulation 5.0.0

Manage the states of records by commonly used attributes.

54.207 Descargas

exception_hunter 1.1.0

Exception tracking engine

54.082 Descargas

music_today_api_wrapper 29.05

Gem to expose music today api endpoints.

53.311 Descargas

supa 0.5.2

Ruby object → JSON serialization.

53.182 Descargas

azeroth 1.1.0


52.672 Descargas

Total de descargas 30.131.439

Para esta versión 187.857

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
