RubyGems Navigation menu

rdoc 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rdoc

gs2crmod 0.12.17

GS2 is a gyrokinetic flux tube initial value turbulence code which can be used for fusi...

473,189 下載

sentient_user 0.4.0

lets the User model in most authentication frameworks know who is the current user

470,679 下載

honeypot-captcha 1.0.1

A simple way to add honeypot captchas to Rails forms

466,339 下載

dor-services 9.6.2

Contains classes to register objects and initialize workflows

464,527 下載

coderunner 1.0.14

CodeRunner is a framework for the automated running and analysis of simulations. It aut...

463,927 下載

conjur-api 6.0.0

Conjur API

462,284 下載

crontab_syntax_checker 0.1.0

Validate an entry that will be used in crontab

455,660 下載

influxdb-rails 1.0.3

This gem instruments your Ruby on Rails application using InfluxDB.

451,669 下載

authorize-net 1.5.2

The Authorize.Net Ruby SDK is meant to offer an alternate object-oriented model of de...

448,053 下載

minitest-test 1.1.0

Minitest 5 test API in MiniTest 4

445,638 下載

earth 1.2.1

An earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data

444,472 下載

vimeo 1.5.4

A full featured Ruby implementation of the Vimeo API.

442,002 下載

net-dhcp 1.3.3

The aim of Net::DHCP is to provide a set of classes to low level handle the DHCP protoc...

438,257 下載

barista 1.3.0

Barista provides simple, integrated support for CoffeeScript in Rack and Rails applicat...

431,159 下載

mls 1.9.0

Ruby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS

426,067 下載

cacheable_flash 1.0.0

Allows caching of pages with flash messages by rendering flash messages from a cookie u...

423,345 下載

oddb2xml 2.9.3

oddb2xml creates xml files using swissINDEX, BAG-XML and Swissmedic.

416,467 下載

fig 1.27.10

Fig is a utility for configuring environments and managing dependencies across a team o...

415,921 下載

rubypress 1.2.2

Easily access WordPress installations through the WordPress XML-RPC API. This gem exact...

410,456 下載

aquarium 0.7.3

Aquarium is a full-featured Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) framework for Ruby that i...

402,264 下載

ruby-growl 4.1

A pure-ruby growl notifier for UDP and GNTP growl protocols. ruby-growl allows you to ...

398,010 下載

calendar_helper 0.2.6

A simple helper for creating an HTML calendar. The "calendar" method will be automa...

397,705 下載

confstruct 1.1.0

A simple, hash/struct-based configuration object

396,721 下載

dnssd 3.0.2

DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour, MDNS) API for Ruby. Implements browsing, resolving...

393,105 下載

watir-webdriver-performance 0.2.4

This gem collects and summarises metrics speficied in the W3C Navigation web performanc...

388,994 下載

lorem_ipsum_amet 0.6.2

Generate blind texts and placeholder images with tons of options in Ruby, Ruby on Rails...

383,456 下載

erector 0.10.0

Erector is a Builder-like view framework, inspired by Markaby but overcoming some of it...

380,007 下載

opengraph_parser 0.2.5

A simple Ruby library for parsing Open Graph Protocol information from a website. It al...

375,628 下載

masonry-rails 0.2.4

Masonry will rock your world!

375,109 下載

props 1.2.0

props - Manage Settings Hierachies (Commandline, User, Home, Defaults, etc.)

373,657 下載

總下載次數 152,504,574

這個版本 2,166,729



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 2.2
